Spotlight On Residential Real Estate Investment Loans

by Eric Atlas Residential Investment Loans (“RILs”) are business purpose loans secured by “fix and flip” or rental properties owned by professional investors and secured by 1st lien mortgages. Bridge loans are short-term loans (usually 6 to 24-months in duration, with an average life of less than a year) to property investors who buy, renovate, and sell homes for profit (the aforementioned fix and flip investments) or lease, refinance and

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Springfield, Massachusetts

Looking for Stabilization, Growth in 2021 and Forward  by Carole VanSickle Ellis Like most of the country right now, the Springfield, Massachusetts, housing market is hot. Median sales prices rose more than 17% in the Springfield area between January 2020 and January 2021, and reported in May that homes were selling, on average, for 2.63%above listing price. However, there are some signs that the Springfield market could “stabilize”as early

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Padlocking Flip Projects Into Profits

Flip Factory App Solves the Flipping “Cashflow Problem” from Inside the Industry by Carole VanSickle Ellis When Raleigh-based flippers and general contractors Jake Harris and Juan Huerta invented the Flip Factory App, they were aiming for a solution to one of the oldest problems in the fix-and-flip industry: cashflow. “There is one key component in real estate without which nothing else functions,” Harris explained. “Before we could solve any other

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Velocity & Scale in Acquisition Strategies

What SFR Investors Can Learn From iBuyers by Josh Jensen The process of buying and selling homes is complex and there is plenty of room for improvement. In today’s lightning-fast market, investors need all the help they can get. Low housing inventory and record-high buyer demand have created a frenzy in the U.S. real estate market. And it is not just the COVID-19 pandemic that is causing the demand. Millennials

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Factors Affecting Fix and Flip Investors

But Help Is on the Way…Eventually by Rick Sharga Most fix-and-flip investors will agree that a housing market with high demand, low supply, low-cost capital, and rising prices is their ideal scenario. And generally speaking, that characterizes today’s market. But like many generalizations, this one does not hold up well upon further scrutiny. Partly, this is due to excesses in all the categories mentioned above. Supply of homes for sale—both

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Mid-Level Remodels to Get the Best ROI

Work Smarter and Not Harder by Erica LaCentra Home flipping levels are not what they used to be. According to the first-quarter 2021 Home Flipping Report from ATTOM Data, only 2.7% of all home sales in Q1 of 2021, or 1 in 37 transactions were flips. That is the lowest level since 2000. According to the same report, that latest figure was down 4.8% from Q4 of 2020 and down

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