Fix and Flip

Challenges in the Current Investment Market

Planning and Flexibility Can be the Keys to Success By Bryan Lysikowski As the market continues down the path of post-pandemic life, the single-family rental and investment sector continues to face unprecedented challenges. When looking at the current market challenges, it is easiest to break them down into three main categories: »          supply chain issues »          labor issues »          cost issues At times, depending on the market, these issues can

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The Fix & Flip Boom

Popularity and Opportunity By Mitchell Zagrodnik In the real estate investment space, there are a variety of avenues one can take to turn a profit on a deal. At the end of the day, what makes an investment worth your time, as well as your money, is the overall return on investment. The ultimate goal is to come out of the deal with more money than you put in. Today,

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Factors Affecting Fix and Flip Investors

But Help Is on the Way…Eventually by Rick Sharga Most fix-and-flip investors will agree that a housing market with high demand, low supply, low-cost capital, and rising prices is their ideal scenario. And generally speaking, that characterizes today’s market. But like many generalizations, this one does not hold up well upon further scrutiny. Partly, this is due to excesses in all the categories mentioned above. Supply of homes for sale—both

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Mid-Level Remodels to Get the Best ROI

Work Smarter and Not Harder by Erica LaCentra Home flipping levels are not what they used to be. According to the first-quarter 2021 Home Flipping Report from ATTOM Data, only 2.7% of all home sales in Q1 of 2021, or 1 in 37 transactions were flips. That is the lowest level since 2000. According to the same report, that latest figure was down 4.8% from Q4 of 2020 and down

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Choosing the Right Coverage

How It Can Make or Break Your Fix-and-Flip Investment by Jen Sitko Choosing the right real estate insurance to protect your investment projects can seem like a superfluous and unnecessary cost. After all, you want to sell the project as quickly as possible, so why opt for additional coverage? As a lender, Fund That Flip operates daily in the world of risk management, so we see firsthand where cutting corners

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Riding the Market Wave

Fix and Flip Has Never Been More Profitable Than It Is Today by Craig Lasson The real estate market has become increasingly frantic, making fix and flip both more attractive to investors and more competitive. The winners in this market will be those with a good eye for value and a quick exit strategy. To get an idea of how hot the real estate market is, consider that in June

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