
What’s Driving Strong Investment Demand In the Multifamily Sector During COVID-19?

CBRE Econometric Advisors (EA) Analysis of the Strength of the Multifamily Asset Class by Nathan Adkins, Jing Ren, and Neil Blake The multifamily sector’s share of overall transaction activity has grown steadily over the past 15 years. Starting from a quarter of all transactions in the mid-2000s, multifamily expanded to a third of all transactions by 2016, overtaking the office sector, and giving multifamily the largest share of any property

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Offices Face Quantum Shift Post-COVID

The Metamorphosis of the Office Market by Paul Fiorilla No sector of commercial real estate faces more uncertainty going forward than offices. Companies found during the pandemic that work can be accomplished productively from home, and many workers found that they prefer shorter commutes and more flexibility. Demand for office space will be reduced, and workspaces will be redesigned. The only question is how much of a disruption will occur.

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Navigating the Commercial Real Estate Market in the Post-Pandemic Period

Is the COVID-19 pandemic beginning to have an impact on commercial real estate? First quarter sales data from First American DataTree suggests we might already be seeing a glimpse into what’s likely to be a difficult year for commercial real estate (CRE) sales in 2020. At first glance, sales volume appears relatively stable, if uninspiring. Three sectors—apartments, industrial and hotels—actually showed modest year-over-year increases in the total dollar volume of

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Zoning Isn’t Your Problem

Looking at the potential issues a project may face and taking the steps to minimize them early will help keep you on budget and on schedule. When developers, investors or builders look at a new project, everyone knows to consider the zoning and the entitlements necessary for the project to happen. What often gets pushed down the priority list, or not thought of at all, are the corollary issues that

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Away From the Office—Permanently?

How working remotely is changing real estate A corner office isn’t what it once was. No office is. Technology has made it easier than ever for people to work remotely, handling their jobs from wherever they happen to be at any moment. That flexibility affects more than just how people schedule their lives and work assignments. It also has a large impact on real estate. Technology at Work The ways

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Evaluating Your Commercial Real Estate Investment

Before you invest in any commercial real estate project, you need to evaluate several criteria.

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