Risk Reward

Do Your Diligence on Foreclosure Homes by Rick Sharga Buying a property always comes with some degree of risk. That is true when buying a brand-new home or buying a property that is a century old. The trick, for real estate investors and homebuyers alike, is to do the due diligence necessary to minimize that risk. Foreclosure Properties: Higher Risk, Potentially Higher Returns Buying foreclosure properties adds a few elements

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Additional Investors Flock to Single Family Rental

Will diligence standards degrade based on competition and lack of inventory? by Jennifer McGuinness Currently, there are approximately 49 million rental units occupied in the United States of which, approximately 12 million are Single Family detached rental homes and 2.8 million are leased townhomes. Most of these units are existing homes on scattered lots versus new construction. To date, over 5 million homes have been converted from owner occupied properties

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Risk Mitigation and Due Diligence in the Pandemic

What Investors Must Do to Ensure Favorable Outcomes and Future Earnings by Erika Garcia It is vital to fully understand the risks and rewards of real estate investment during our current economic decline caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Investing in real estate can provide the potential for a stable income stream and value appreciation, along with generous tax benefits. However, real estate investors must recognize that the pandemic may impact

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Rental Property Risk Management

Preventative Measures for Successful Risk Mitigation by Shaun Shenouda While there is no stopping acts of God, you fortunately can mitigate many of the risks pertaining to your rental properties relatively easily and inexpensively. As you might suspect, some of the most prevalent risks pertain to losses caused by the residents. Given the increased propensity to spend more time at home due to COVID-19, there is an overall increased risk.

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Increasing Portfolio Value and Reducing Risk

The Need to Perfect Loan Collateral and Document Custody by Debbie Lastoria and Meaghan Hanley Every loan has a value at origination. The loan officer makes their commission, and based on the secondary market, the investor pays for a loan in accordance with the underwriting basis for which it was closed. This value should survive the life of the loan—but we all know it may not. The value may be

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Hindsight is 2020

Looking Back on Last Year’s Top REI Insurance Claims by Shawn Woedl With 2020 in the rearview mirror, we can look back on the year and see what we learned. Last year proved that you cannot prepare for everything, but some of the most common insurance losses that happen across the real estate investment industry, year after year, can be mitigated or avoided completely with some planning and commitment. Let’s

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