Zach and Kara Ziegler

Turning Past Experiences into Real Estate Investing Success
As independent business owners with HomeVestors® of America, Inc., Zach and Kara Ziegler capitalized on their previous real estate experiences to become successes in the investment industry. And they turned their business, ZK2 Properties, into a family affair, even naming the company after their and their daughter’s initials (Zach, Kara, and Zoie Katherine…so ZK twice).
The Zieglers live in Spokane, Washington, and bought their franchise in March of 2018. Spokane is the economic and cultural center of the Spokane metropolitan area, the Spokane–Coeur d’Alene combined statistical area, and the Inland Northwest.
Based on the geographical location of Spokane, the Ziegler’s main markets are eastern Washington and northern Idaho.
The Beginnings
Kara Ziegler worked for a real estate developer for eight years before leaving to raise their children and to help Zach grow his General Contracting business which focused primarily on working with banks on their distressed properties after the 2008 housing crisis. Zach also owns his own furniture business which they still use to buy furniture for their various investment properties.
With their past experiences, it was a natural fit for the Zieglers to initially focus on the fix-and-flip niche of the real estate investment industry. Kara readily admits that their first year, when they “only” bought 11 houses, was slow. The Zieglers took their time to learn everything about the HomeVestors systems, but their patience and one-year learning curve was soon going to pay off.
Present Day
In the last three years, the Ziegler team, which includes their son, Jake, bought about 60 houses, primarily fix-and-flips and short-term rentals. Says Kara, “Spokane is a good market, it is ever changing and quickly growing. It is a beautiful place to live and raise a family. The last three years have been good for our business. But the next few years, since the effects of COVID have changed the market, that is when our training from HomeVestors will really pay off.” Their primary focus now is on short-term rentals and long-term rentals.
Due to the sheer beauty and location of Spokane, which is situated along the Spokane River and adjacent to the Selkirk Mountains and west of the Rocky Mountain foothills, and only 18 miles west of the Washington–Idaho border, it is a great market to invest in short-term rentals. And Spokane is only 33 miles west of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, a major tourist attraction. The Zieglers have taken advantage of these considerations and are investing heavily in this market niche.
The family business, ZK2 Properties, is very effective and efficient. Kara manages the office, Zach handles the construction work, and their son, Jake, is the buyer. “We truly could not do this business without Jake. He has a kind heart that sellers are quick to pick up on. He often leaves most appointments having become close friends with a homeowner, many of whom he continues to keep in touch with long after the transaction is completed,” said Kara. “It is important to us that the people (sellers) come first and the house second, and to help those in our community get out of their ‘ugly’ real estate situations.”
Advice from a Pro
When asked what advice she would give to real estate investors, Kara put it simply: “Number one, if you are an investor, come join HomeVestors. HomeVestors is where it’s at. Next, stay within the price points in your market and stay in the price range of first-time homebuyers.”
For fellow franchisees, her advice is just as succinct: “HomeVestors has spent years perfecting their systems…they work…FOLLOW THE PLAN. Know your market and your price points in your market. Most important: People first – House second.”
Words of wisdom from a “Spokanite.”
What exactly does it mean to be aHomeVestors® business owner? Owning a real estate business is life changing and naturally comes with risks! When you become a HomeVestors business owner, you get immediate access to motivated seller leads, financing resources for qualifying purchases and repairs, one-on-one coaching with your local Development Agent, proprietary software for analyzing properties and deals, and access to a nationwide network of coaches and peers. Your house-buying business is yours and you run it as your own venture with a focus toward your individual business goals.
If you are interested in a franchise, call 855-454-4518, email or visit Each franchise office is independently owned and operated.