Welcome to the Latest Off-Market Asset Opportunities
These properties are presented as part of a Highest-And-Best offer strategy. The minimum offer price is shown & all assets will be sold at that minimum price, or the Highest-And-Best price received by end date of offering.
These assets are being premiered today, and official offers will be made available on Tuesday, April 12th. All offers with proof of funds will be due and time stamped by the portal on Thursday, April 14th – 5:00 pm EST.
Please email Marketing@REI-ReferralNetwork.com with questions or to submit an early inaugural offer with this new Highest-And-Best offer platform.

212 Buckeye St
Saltville, VA 24370

104 Lauren CT
Frederick, MD 21703

140 Maplewood Ave
Torrington, CT 06790

1620 Gibbons Road
Point of Rocks, MD 21777

144 Scoggins Road
North Augusta, SC 29860

2140 E. Aberdeen Dr.
Montgomery, AL 36116

28024 Harwood Rd
New London, NC 28127