The Ultimate Skip Tracing Solution

Mike Singletary is a real estate investor and the CEO of Skip Force, a data aggregation company that helps real estate investors by providing high-quality data for their businesses.
He is with us on the show to talk about the importance of data in your real estate business and how data can help you scale the right way.
Listen now to learn more about Mike’s journey in real estate, how he learned about the importance of data in business, and why you need high-quality data to succeed!
“The most important thing that these franchises take away from you is the marketing – which is, that’s the business! It’s sales and marketing, the house is just the widget.”
“We’re also incorporating lead managers that will understand the system and do all the things that investors hate doing, which is follow-ups.”
“If you’re not failing, you’re just not trying hard enough. I know that’s cliche, but that’s the truth.”
Website: Skip Force
Podcast: Real Talks
Website: RCN Capital
Website: REI INK