The Staffing That Real Estate Entrepreneurs Need Today

Brian Flaherty, the CEO of Global Strategic, is an industry expert with over 20 years of experience in Medical Staffing, IT Contractor Placement, Executive Staffing ITO, and BPO.
He is on the show today to help us understand the value of quality staffing and how it plays into the success of every business across multiple industries in the world.
Listen to this episode to learn more about the world of staffing, how the working landscape has changed through COVID-19, and what businesses can do to find the best outsourcing partners!
“I don’t think you can set out to develop a skillset, per se. I think you have to be adaptive and always looking at how to get better.”
“Typically, the challenge with real estate, even investors, is they’re entrepreneurial. That’s what makes them fantastic, that’s what also makes them a challenge.”
“Don’t be afraid to show your staff that there’s no job too small and lead by example.”
Website: Global Strategic
Website: Denise Marie Flaherty Memorial Foundation
Website: RCN Capital
Website: REI INK