The Evans Brothers and Team

How Cody and Chris Evans Turned a Small Idea into a Huge Reality
In 2002, Cody and Chris Evans had an idea: “Let’s buy homes, remodel them, and sell them.” So, that is exactly what they did. Little did they know that their “part-time” idea would develop into an extremely successful real estate investment business.
During the day, Chris was a real estate agent and Cody owned a construction company. This seemed like the perfect pairing of skills as they began their “after-hours” operation in LA County, and they very quickly recognized the financial potential in flipping houses. “Then the leads fizzled out,” said Cody.
While trying to figure out how to solve the leads dilemma, Cody saw a HomeVestors (HVA) billboard which sparked his curiosity. “We had been running a real estate brokerage, an appraisal company, and a construction business together and buying, repairing, and selling houses on the side for years, but around 2011-2012, the leads started drying up. We were not sure how HomeVestors would be able to find the leads we could not. We were working in the same industry, so if we were struggling, why weren’t they?”
A couple of months later, after doing his due diligence and overcoming a bit of skepticism, Cody and his partners bought a HomeVestors® franchise in Los Angeles, and Patriot Holdings was formed. Shortly thereafter, they got their first deal in Pasadena which turned out to be a “win-win” for everybody involved, according to Chris.
The Growth of a Team
The Patriot Holdings partnership team expanded to the four Evans brothers, the sons of a professional drummer—Cody, Chris, Corey, and Casey; and Scott Mansfield and Britton Briscoe. They decided to go full steam ahead and own six HomeVestors franchises; three in California, two in Florida, and one in Texas. Scott handles Texas and assists across the board with valuations, and Britton handles Florida.
Initially, just like other “newbie” HomeVestors independent business owners, they thought they knew more than their mentors and did not exactly follow the HVA model. Looking back, both Chris and Cody admit that they should have trusted the system from day one. After trusting the system, they purchased nearly 100 homes in one year.
Today, Cody, Chris, and Britton are a Development Agent (DA) team covering California, Oregon, Seattle, and Florida. They are the second largest DA organization within HomeVestors. The DA program provides the necessary field support for both the new business owners as well as the seasoned ones.
The Future is Bright
The Patriot Holdings team is excited about the future. The first quarter of 2021 was their best yet, and they see the balance of 2021 being just as strong. Cody speaks for the entire team when he explains, “If you treat sellers the right way there will always be tremendous opportunities. The fact of the matter is that there are people in need of our services, and they will sell to someone they trust. What it comes down to is that it is about us and that seller—not about the house. HomeVestors teaches you to look at what a seller’s needs are, and then figure out how you can meet them. We love having that piece be a part of the work that we do every day—going to sleep knowing that we’ve helped someone else out of a difficult situation, but also made some money for ourselves and our families.”
What exactly does it mean to be a HomeVestors business owner? Owning a real estate business is life changing and naturally comes with risks! When you become a HomeVestors® business owner, you get immediate access to motivated seller leads, financing resources, one-on-one coaching with your local Development Agent, proprietary software for analyzing properties and deals, and access to a nationwide network of coaches and peers. Your house-buying business is yours and you run it as your own venture.
If you are interested in a franchise, contact April Nealey at
Each franchise office is independently owned and operated.