If you want to succeed in real estate, it’s not enough to sit on the sidelines and learn everything. If you don’t put all of that knowledge to work, you’re not going to be able to do anything. You have to take action. Jawad Dashti the owner of TooDash CRE, likens it to playing Monopoly without knowing the rules. In this episode of Uncontested Investing, Jawad sits down with Tim Herriage to tell us how exactly this works for him. He also talks about making the “safe bet” in real estate and why you don’t have to aim to beat the bigger players all the time. Tune in and get some real, actionable tips that will get you going on real estate even through these trying times! — Watch the episode here Listen to the podcast here Real Estate Is All About Taking Action: Real Estate Strategies And Tips WITH Jawad Dashti Of TooDash CRE I’m with my buddy, Jawad Dashti. Jawad, thanks for coming. Tell the audience a little bit about yourself. I’ve been in real estate for years. I don’t find myself to be that great at it but I figured that if you make as few mistakes as possible, that alone makes it work out pretty well. You started as a plumber, correct? Yeah. I was in construction working for all these home flippers right before the 2008 bust. Everybody was bragging about how much money they were making. I figured that if they could do it, I could because I knew all about construction. How’d that work out for you? I learned that knowing construction doesn’t do anything at all with real estate. It’s a numbers game. I had to get up and put in some work attitude. To me, that’s what’s paid off the best. You’ve always been one of those people I admire in the DFW area. Every episode, we start with the Bottom Line Up Front, the BLUF. When I was in the Marine Corps, we used to brief generals. They would always say, “Don’t bury the lead. Get the most important information out and share it in case a General has to get up and leave a mortar fire or something like that.” What I’m going to do is give you two minutes to share what you think people should be thinking about in the real estate market, maybe what you think they shouldn’t be doing, what they should be doing or what you’re doing to continue to grow and also protect yourself. The best advice that I could give is that we’re going through some different times, which seems to happen about every eight years in the economy. That’s when the most money is made and lost. The people that win the game are the ones that pay attention. I tell people to look at the economy, what’s going on and all the transitions because everything’s changing. If you can try to determine where things are going, you need to think about 3 to 5 years ahead of the game. As you’ve seen, the office is changing and a lot of places are converting into multifamily. A lot of multifamilies are converting into multi-use. If you notice which way neighborhoods are growing and how real estate is changing and you can be a little bit ahead of the game, it’ll pay off for you. It’s a good time. The inflation has taken off and assets are growing. I have no concern about being in the game. For the people that think that the real estate market is going to crash because of the interest rates, I still think that mortgage rates are low compared to the average. If the whole world went bust, we’re all screwed anyway. Keep playing the game. If you commit to it, put in the work and try to think a little bit ahead, you’re going to do well. One of the things that stuck out the most to me following you on social media the last couple of years is the way you play the tax game. Where did you learn that? I can’t give credit to any books because I don’t read books at all. It’s funny, I can read stuff on my phone all day but reading a book, I’m allergic to it. It’s going to investor meetups, watching shows like this and REI groups. Believe it or not, there’s a lot of content from shows like this. I overhear conversations. When I see people who are smarter than I talk, I try to eavesdrop on them. I won’t hear everything that I need to know to fully understand the game but I can hear enough to hear a word like 1031 exchange or some kind of phrase like accelerated depreciation. I go home, google it and research it non-stop until I feel like I’m a master at it. I always try to tell people it’s like trying to play Monopoly without reading the rules. How do you expect to win the game when you don’t know the rules? Many people do that. People talk trash about taxes all the time. I love taxes because I don’t have to pay them. The IRS and the government make these rules to manipulate the economy. They’re paving the way for what they want you to do and paying a tax as a penalty for not doing what they want. If you play the game, you can make a lot of money and not have to pay them anything. That’s the way to do it. Read the rules. You own Precision Plumbing and multifamily, commercial, chicken coop and a bunch of single-family. Let’s start at the beginning, maybe on a high-level cover of how you progress from venture to venture. With the single-family, the first deal that I got, I was winging it. Luckily, it went well for me on my first deal. I purchased a single-family deal. Luckily, it was a
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