What to FOCUS On If You Want to Succeed As A Wealthy Real Estate Investor

Bar Shechter, the Managing Partner at Lending Specialty, is a private lender who has a background in real estate that stretches far back into his childhood. He grew up around entrepreneurs who had multiple properties in their portfolio and that led him to getting into the same business, with a different goal. Listen to this episode to learn more about Bar’s background and experience, how he got into private lending, and how he is helping real estate investors secure funding for their investments today! Quotables “As more people get into it and the deeper you get into the industry itself, you realize that some of these deals, it takes a village. It takes people helping you out – people with more knowledge, people with more money, whatever the case may be.” “Not every day is going to be easy for the life of a real estate investor or a professional within the industry, so just persevere.” “Eventually, it’s the numbers. If it makes sense for you, if you’re looking for equity or you’re looking for cash flow. There’s a mix to it, but it depends on what strategy and where you invest.” Links Website: Lending Specialty https://www.lendingspecialty.com/ Facebook: Bar Shechter Website: RCN Capital https://www.rcncapital.com/podcast Website: REI INK https://rei-ink.com/

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The Blueprint for Growing & Scaling Multiple Businesses

Ricardo Rosales is a real estate entrepreneur with years of experience in flipping and owning rental properties. Today, he is the CEO of Top Of The Line VA and Prospector Web, which are businesses he built out of the challenges he faced during different market cycles. He is on the show today to tell us more about his journey, what fuels his passion, and how he overcame adversity through the years. Quotables “Pick one first and run with it, so before you diversify yourself into 4 or 5 income streams, make sure you’re good at one, that way you could pay the bills with that.” “Businesses are either going up or going down. There’s not a plateau. There’s no steady state, that doesn’t exist.” “Just go and take action. Go implement everything you’ve dreamed of – if you want to be a real estate investor, go buy something. A piece of land, buy a mobile home, buy a trailer, buy a house, buy something, but go do it and don’t just stay in the planning stages.” Links Website: Ricardo Rosales https://www.ricardorosales.com/ Website: RCN Capital https://www.rcncapital.com/podcast Website: REI INK https://rei-ink.com/

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The Power of Compounding Wealth in Real Estate

Mark Bloom is the co-founder of NetWorth Realty, a large wholesaler and hard money lender in different states across the country. He is a seasoned real estate investor with over 20 years of experience in the industry, and he is on the show today to talk about the reality of being a real estate investor and how you can become a reliable wholesaler in today’s economy. Listen now to learn more about the trends in the real estate market over the last few years, how it has affected real estate investors, and what you can do if you want to succeed in real estate investing today! Quotables “In this business, you buy – you make your money on the buy side. If you do your numbers right and you know what your numbers are, those numbers are not going to change that much in 3 to 6 months.” “People will do crazy stuff for money so there has to be some level of regulation but when that regulation starts to impair the choices and the options that businesses and citizens have unreasonably, then that’s difficult.” “I think by being open, by being honest, by being legitimate, by not having people smearing my name and dragging my name through the mud because we’re trying to do the right thing has helped us maybe weather some of the storms.” Links Website: NetWorth Realty https://networthrealtyusa.com/ Website: RCN Capital https://www.rcncapital.com/podcast Website: REI INK https://rei-ink.com/

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Exploring the World of 3D Construction Printing

Justin Fordham is the CEO of Fordham Enterprises and an expert in the 3D Construction Printing (3DCP) space in real estate. He is with us on the show today to give us insights on the real estate development market and what the 3DCP space today looks like. Listen now to learn more about 3D construction printing in real estate and how it can be a solution to the affordability crisis today! Quotables “We’ve actually been 3D printing homes since 1949. It’s just that not a lot of people have known about it and had that real technology to mainstream it and bring it to the forefront.” “For people who are in new construction, that’s what they want because you’re pressed with trying to find the right workers that are going to be consistent.” “If you take time to get to know people, they will also be interested in you and you just never know where that opportunity or where that conversation is going to take you.” Links Website: Fordham Enterprises https://www.fordham-enterprises.com/ Website: RCN Capital https://www.rcncapital.com/podcast Website: REI INK https://rei-ink.com/

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Growth in Leadership with Mindset, Networking, and Decision-Making

Jason Pritchard is a highly accomplished real estate entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in sales and a large real estate portfolio in California. Jason is the owner and founder of multiple real estate businesses today and he is with us to talk about his journey and the most important lessons he has learned throughout the years. Listen to this episode to learn more about Jason, how adversity can help you move forward in life, and what you can do to achieve success in real estate like he did! Quotables “The information is all readily available, but if you want to get there faster, you need a network, you need a coach, you need a mentor to speed up the process.” “If you’re stuck in a rut, you can’t find any momentum, you need to find other people that you can help.” “Don’t run from adversity. If you guys are dealing with something hard, don’t run from it. I learned to lean into it, figure out how to solve it, and you’ll always be better on the other side.” Links Website: RCN Capital https://www.rcncapital.com/podcast Website: REI INK https://rei-ink.com/

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Dominating Your Real Estate Market at a Young Age

Anthony Todesco is a young Houston-based real estate investor with operations across 7 states in the country through his company, Amplified Properties. He has experience in multiple asset classes and he is with us on the show today to talk about what it’s been like to get into real estate investing at a very young age and the lessons he learned along the way. Listen to this episode to learn more about Anthony, his journey into real estate investing, and what it’s like to be a young blood investor in today’s market! Quotables “I buy what makes sense. Where the most equity is, where the best rental markets are, that’s where I buy.” “You can do things without money, but obviously, money helps.” “Most networking events are all free and a saying I like is “the more hands you shake, the more money you make,” and that is super important.” Links Website: Amplified Properties https://amplifiedprops.com/ Instagram: Anthony Todesco / themrmonopoly   Book: Who Moved My Cheese? https://www.amazon.com/Moved-Cheese-S…. Website: RCN Capital https://www.rcncapital.com/podcast Website: REI INK https://rei-ink.com/

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