Mastering Negotiation Skills & Creative Finance Opportunities

Matt Reilly is a seasoned expert in real estate finance with years of experience as a certified real estate appraiser and managing billions of dollars worth of non-performing loans and REOs. Today, Matt continues to specialize in bridge loans and private lending at Stonecrest Financial and he is with us to give us a little more insight on the financial side of real estate investing. Listen now to learn more about evaluating properties for investments, the different financing options you have as an investor, and more! Quotables “I think in order to negotiate well, you have to be a good listener so you always want to hear what the other side is saying and formulate your opinion.” “There are no shortcuts. Due diligence is key to most deals – you want to know as much as you can about any property or deal.” “If a deal lingers on too long, it always seems to collapse so I think when you’re getting into a deal, you always want to set realistic expectations and then you want to stick to the timeline.” Links Website: Stonecrest Financial Website: RCN Capital Website: REI INK Email: RCN Capital

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How to Determine if An Investment Opportunity is a Good Deal or Not

Andrea Lane is a veteran investor with over 30 years of experience in residential real estate under her belt. She is the CEO and Founder of Coast 2 Coast Networking, the co-founder of many different real estate ventures, and today, she is using her skills and experience to help 100 people become millionaires by 2025. Listen to this episode for some golden nuggets from a real estate veteran, the best ways to identify good deals in your market, and how you can persevere through different market cycles! Quotables “Every step of the way it’s not that I didn’t make the same mistake more than once and make it more than twice, but I never make it as hard as I did the first time.” “You can read a book on how to do a rehab, on how to buy and hold, on how to do a wholesale – what it doesn’t tell you is the millions of things that can go wrong, that don’t work the way you think it’s going to work.” “You have to look long-term. You have to have a different thought. You can’t look at today.” Links Phone: Andrea Lane (732) 735 – 9076 Website: Coast 2 Coast Turnkey Website: RCN Capital Website: REI INK Email: RCN Capital

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How Smart Home Tech is Revolutionizing Real Estate

Danny Linenger is the Director of US Operations at Swidget, a company that provides cutting edge smart home technology. He has over 21 years of experience in building products and over 10 years in the single-family rental space, and he is with us today to talk about his journey and what brought him the success he has today. Listen now to learn more about Danny’s journey, Swidget’s approach to smart home technology, and how technology is impacting the real estate world today! Quotables “The biggest thing I’ve learned in this industry is really not to burn bridges. It’s a really small but connected network.” “If you’ve built relationships with other folks, they’re happy to make those introductions to the right people.” “Coming from a big company to a smaller company, just the ability to actually listen to a customer, understand the problem, develop the solution, build a solution, and implement a solution all within a matter of weeks or months – I still can’t get over that.” Links LinkedIn: Danny Linenger Website: RCN Capital Website: REI INK Email: RCN Capital

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Creative Ways Investors Can Raise Private Capital

Charles Farnsworth is the director of 1892 Capital Partners, an established lending company that has been helping investors in different asset classes across the nation. He is a real estate finance expert with over 25 years of experience in corporate banking and wealth management, which includes founding a finance company and raising private capital. Listen now to learn more about the financing side of real estate and the different factors that can help real estate investors raise capital in today’s market! Quotables “What you’ll find quickly in the capital side is the way you raise money and what you use it for is largely driven by your shareholders or your invested parties.” “Depending where you are in the life cycle of real estate investing and what you’re trying to achieve largely dictates what you should be doing and what your secret sauce is.” “In my experience, people get to places in ways that you don’t understand a lot so I think to be able to have a conversation with somebody and have them part back where you are, what’s going on, and challenge you – I just don’t know where the best place to get a mentor or a coach like that is.” Links Website: 1892 Capital Partners Email: Charles Farnsworth Website: RCN Capital Website: REI INK Email: RCN Capital

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The Staffing That Real Estate Entrepreneurs Need Today

Brian Flaherty, the CEO of Global Strategic, is an industry expert with over 20 years of experience in Medical Staffing, IT Contractor Placement, Executive Staffing ITO, and BPO. He is on the show today to help us understand the value of quality staffing and how it plays into the success of every business across multiple industries in the world. Listen to this episode to learn more about the world of staffing, how the working landscape has changed through COVID-19, and what businesses can do to find the best outsourcing partners! Quotables “I don’t think you can set out to develop a skillset, per se. I think you have to be adaptive and always looking at how to get better.” “Typically, the challenge with real estate, even investors, is they’re entrepreneurial. That’s what makes them fantastic, that’s what also makes them a challenge.” “Don’t be afraid to show your staff that there’s no job too small and lead by example.” Links Website: Global Strategic Website: Denise Marie Flaherty Memorial Foundation https://www.deniseflahertyfoundation…. Website: RCN Capital Website: REI INK

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The Journey from Engineering to Real Estate Investing

Mark Abramovich, the founder of the MIRS Group and a partner at Idoni Management, is an entrepreneur with a strong background in engineering and industrial development. Over the years, Mark decided to transition into real estate investing, focusing on solving problems for real estate investors through the lending industry. Listen now to learn more about Mark’s journey into real estate, how his background in engineering played into real estate investing, and how he is helping investors do more deals today! Quotables “I was sitting in my home office, working on a couple of loans, and figuring out how to structure them and the realization suddenly hit me that I was being an engineer just in a slightly different medium.” “The bigger and better your network, the bigger and better your net worth is.” “When you meet somebody for the first time, no matter what, your brain instantly makes a decision of like or dislike.” Links Website: MIRS Group Website: RCN Capital Website: REI INK Email: RCN Capital

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