From Chemistry to Real Estate Entrepreneur

In Order to Succeed You Must Put People First Heather Anagnos is an independent business owner with HomeVestors® of America, Inc. in the Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina, market. She started her HomeVestors business, Green Mountain Property Group, in Boston, Massachusetts, before relocating to North Carolina in 2022. Life Before HomeVestors Heather graduated from The College of the Holy Cross with a BA in Chemistry and worked as a chemist before switching to a career in medical device sales which she did from 2000–2014. During that time, she read Rich Dad Poor Dad which changed her perspectives on life, and she set her sights on starting a business and getting involved in real estate. Heather joined a local real estate association and started investing part-time in 2009 focusing on building a buy-and-hold portfolio. She took her investing career full-time in 2014. While her new career was getting off the ground, her source of leads “dried up.” As Heather explained, “During this time, everywhere I went I saw a HomeVestors billboard, so I decided to give them a call.” She immediately bought a franchise because of their lead sourcing, support, and proven operating systems. Green Mountain Property Group “When I started with HomeVestors, I needed to unlearn the traditional way of doing real estate and begin following the HomeVestors systems,” Heather noted. “My profits started going up and I was hooked. And I had two great Development Agents to help me along, Stephen Bowen and Michael Falotico. “In my first year, I continued to build my buy-and-hold portfolio while also doing fix-and-flips through HomeVestors,” Heather explained. “It is very expensive to buy houses in Boston, but you also make more money on the backend. In fact, there were years when I bought fewer houses and made the most money.” Initially, her company only consisted of herself and her subcontractors, but she relied heavily on the HomeVestors Ad Council, which according to Heather, is where all the “valuable ideas and sharing happens.” During this time, her husband was still working in Finance for a data marketing company in the wireless carrier industry. Present Day Heather lost both of her parents in 2020 and decided it was a suitable time to relocate for some new scenery. She found her new scenery in North Carolina in 2022. In contrast to the Boston real estate market, Heather now needed to buy more houses to maintain the same level of profit. With a new team in place consisting of one admin staff, a project manager, and rehab crews, Heather’s goal is buying 20 homes per year. “The other great thing is that I am now “hands-off” with contractors — I have a guy that does that.” “What works great for me is having a good rhythm,” Heather explained. “I always like to have two properties on the market for sale, two properties in rehab, and two properties in my acquisition pipeline.” Heather further elaborated, “I love being a problem solver, first and foremost. I get tremendous joy in meeting with homeowners and helping them solve their difficult situations.” Heather proudly says, “HomeVestors is a lifestyle. Investing is the new normal in our family. My daughters, Brooklynn, age 9, and Taylor, age 11, are enthralled with real estate and give me money they earn to invest in our real estate acquisitions. That truly makes us a family business.” “My advice for anyone getting stated in real estate investing is rather simple.” •          Have liquid cash. •          Put people first. •          Find yourself a proven system — like HomeVestors. HomeVestors What exactly does it mean to be a HomeVestors® business owner? Owning a real estate business is life changing and naturally comes with risks! When you become a HomeVestors business owner, you get immediate access to motivated seller leads, financing resources for qualifying purchases and repairs, one-on-one coaching with your local Development Agent, proprietary software for analyzing properties and deals, and access to a nationwide network of coaches and peers. Your house-buying business is yours and you run it as your own venture with a focus toward your individual business goals. If you are interested in a franchise, call 866-249-6932, email or visit Each franchise office is independently owned and operated.

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