Alex Seehaver and Don Cameron

Going From “Putting Your Toe in the Water” to National Recognition Being named the HomeVestors® National Franchise of the Year for the fifth time over the last ten years is no small feat. Yet that is exactly what happened to Donald Cameron and Alex Seehaver of Hi-Land Properties, an independently owned and operated HomeVestors franchise headquartered in West Palm Beach, Florida. Hi-Land Properties is one of more than 1,100 independently

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Leading the Way in the Leasing Lifestyle

Invitation Homes Continues to Leverage the Shift in American Thinking on Housing by Carole VanSickle Ellis Invitation Homes has an 80,000-home inventory spread across 16 U.S. markets, has been classified as an “all-weather” asset by market analysts at Seeking Alpha, and serves the increasingly large population of Americans who define “living life on their own terms,” in part, as participating in a leasing lifestyle. The company is weathering the COVID-19

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Hybrid Valuation Tools Are Making Remote Appraisals Easier for the BTR Market

Cost Effective Alternatives for the BTR Investor by Kade Clark Historically low interest rates and thin inventory of available homes to buy have pushed up home prices, creating a hurdle for Americans who want more space for working from home, remote learning, and maybe a treadmill to stay in shape. This combination of factors has attracted investors to the single-family rental market and forced some to create their own opportunities

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Envelope Stuffer to CEO

PIP Group’s Charles Sells’ Real Estate Journey by Carole VanSickle Ellis When Charles Sells, founder and CEO of Platinum Investment Properties (PIP) Group looks back on how he got started in real estate, he proudly admits he started at the very bottom of the ladder. “In my early 20s, I took a part-time job at a company investing in tax liens stuffing envelopes for $10 an hour,” he recalled. Today,

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Alternative Strategies: Off-Market Properties are the Hidden Gems for Investors

Options Within the Single-Family Industry by Rick Sharga For those not interested in splurging on Bitcoin or fighting with hedge funds over GameStop shares, there are no shortage of alternative investment opportunities in real estate. Typical real estate transactions involve working with a real estate agent, finding a property listed for sale on the local multiple listing service (MLS), and competing with other investors and traditional homebuyers to purchase the

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Home Price Increases in Opportunity Zone Redevelopment Areas Keeping Pace with Nationwide Gains

Median Values Jump At Least 10 Percent in Almost Two-Thirds of Zones ATTOM Data Solutions, curator of the nation’s premier property database, released its fourth-quarter 2020 special report analyzing qualified low-income Opportunity Zones established by Congress in the Tax Cuts and Jobs act of 2017. In this report, ATTOM looked at 3,588 zones around the United States with sufficient sales data to analyze, meaning they had at least five home

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