UNIN 12 | Fix And Flip

How You Can Fix And Flip Around Market Shifts And Why Local Flippers Are Crucial To Solving The Inventory Crisis With Kurt Carlton

  The state of our economy today is an open book and we see the hit everywhere. But how has it been in the real estate space? Specifically, how has it been in the fix and flip niche? In this episode, Kurt Carlton, President and co-founder of New Western, talks about market shifts and the several factors affecting the real estate market. He also shares insights on what the current

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Wholetailing: Flipping Real Estate With No Money With Travis Johnson

  Have you ever thought about flipping real estate deals but don’t know how to do it? You’re not alone. Travis Johnson, a successful house flipper in Minnesota and author of the Seven Figure Flipping Book, learned how to flip real estate the hard way. With no books or training when he first started, he did everything wrong and took financial losses. Today, Travis shares his experience on how to

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