“Servant Leadership”

How Kyle Amerson Built His Real Estate Business Serving Others
As a student at Dallas Baptist University, Kyle Amerson learned a lot about “servant-leadership.” Not only was it the university’s mission, but it was soon to become a way of life for the young business school graduate. He applied these teachings and philosophies not only in his personal life but in his business career as well.
The Beginnings
As a prelude to becoming a HomeVestors® independent business owner, Amerson owned and operated his own real estate appraisal company for seven years in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. It was during this time that he looked into HomeVestors as a way to buy just a few extra properties each month.
In January 2014, at the ripe old age of 34, he bought a HomeVestors franchise and formed Amerson Properties LLC. Amerson’s intention initially was to begin this new opportunity only part-time. It did not take long, only a few months, before he made the decision to go full-time. In those few short months, he was already beginning to see the impact, complete with the flexibility he desired and more time to spend with his family.
His family at the beginning of the HomeVestors journey was his wife, Jessica, and his son, Jack, now 8 years old. It has since blossomed to include daughters Brooklyn (6), Whitney (4), and Bryn (4 months). Jessica’s passion is her family, and after seven years of working in the advertising industry, she is now thrilled to be a full-time mother and supporting Kyle’s business goals.
The Amerson Way of Doing Business
When Amerson looked at HomeVestors, he saw several additional attractive features that made his decision a “no-brainer.” “Not only did I envision a lifestyle change, increased flexibility, and more family time, but I also saw a proven wealth building system. Most importantly, I saw an opportunity to be able to help sellers out of ugly situations with their houses,” he explained. “My goal is to find the best solution for the seller whether I buy the house or not.”
His servant-leader attitude and faith in God also guide him in his role as a Development Agent (DA) in the DFW market. “I’ve been a DA now for six months and I am very excited about the opportunity. I have always had a passion for training, so I love helping new franchisees get started and grow their businesses by coaching them on how to use the extensive tools and systems provided by HomeVestors. One of the things I teach is if your only goal is to buy the house, you’ll buy a few. But if your goal is to solve a problem and help people, you’ll buy many.”
Present Day
Amerson Properties, a single-operator business (read no staff), buys 35-40 properties per year, a combination of fix-and-flips, buy-and-holds, and wholesaling, and sometimes owner financing for families that cannot get traditional financing. As a single-operator business, Amerson answers his own phones, makes his own appointments, makes his own travel arrangements, and even empties the office trash.
Amerson’s key to success is simple: Create “win-win” situations. If your goals are to solve sellers’ problems, it is hard to fail.
Faith has always been a huge part of Amerson’s life, and he credits his faith for where he is today. Faith, plus his servant-leader philosophy, is a genuine recipe for success.
What exactly does it mean to be a HomeVestors® business owner? Owning a real estate business is life changing and naturally comes with risks! When you become a HomeVestors business owner, you get immediate access to motivated seller leads, financing resources for qualifying purchases and repairs, one-on-one coaching with your local Development Agent, proprietary software for analyzing properties and deals, and access to a nationwide network of coaches and peers. Your house-buying business is yours and you run it as your own venture with a focus toward your individual business goals.
If you are interested in a franchise, call 855-454-4578. Each franchise office is independently owned and operated.