REI INK E-Newsletter Debuts

Welcome to the first newsletter of REI INK!
REI INK is the weekly e-newsletter companion to the print version of REI INK magazine. Since REI INK is published bi-monthly, we thought it was important to send out weekly e-newsletters to keep our readers abreast of the changes occurring in our fast-paced industry, where breaking news occurs on an almost daily basis.
We launched REI INK nationally at the Pitbull Conference in early March. The magazine was introduced to about 600 people as the “new kid in town” that has set a new standard for the real estate investment publishing industry. I could not agree more. Our talented staff did a tremendous job of putting the first issue together, and it’s only going to get better with age. Not only did we bring Monica Mansfield on board as our managing editor, but we also assembled a true editorial board (not just in name only to impress people) who will be helping to guide the magazine forward based on their experience and expertise.
As a result of the team’s efforts, we attracted a new international client focusing on capital growth opportunities for investors in medical office buildings. We also gained the attention of some of the top names and companies in the real estate investment industry. And, the real achievement was adding Janet Moore to our team as the vice president of business development and marketing. It seems like everyone in the industry knows and respects Janet, so we were very lucky to get her on the team.
We are moving forward at break-neck speed. The next issue is almost complete, the website is up and running, and you’re reading the first of our weekly e-newsletters. What’s in the works? E-mail campaigns for our clients, a media sponsorship for IMN, promotion campaigns by respected companies in the industry and lots more! We’re doing it all by being true to ourselves, respecting our competitors and providing over-the-top customer service.
I would really welcome your feedback on both the newsletter and REI INK. Don’t hesitate to contact me at 816-623-0762 or email me at Also, be sure to visit to read more articles and subscribe.
Thank You and All the Best!
Robert Rakowski, Publisher