REI INK Celebrates its 50th Issue

A Remarkable Journey During Remarkable Times
By Robert Rakowski
Welcome to the 50th issue of REI INK.
These last four and a half years have been quite the journey; a journey through the struggles of being the “new kid in town”, the COVID pandemic, inflation, an out-of-control and uncertain economy, but mostly a terrific journey of forming professional and personal relationships with absolutely wonderful people and companies.
It took an absolute DREAM team to reach this milestone. For anybody who thinks that publishing a top-shelf magazine for 50 consecutive months is an easy task or simply a minor accomplishment, I would love to chat with you over an adult beverage. During this timeframe, we also sent out over 600 newsletters, created the REI-Referral Network, and launched the Highest-and-Best platform.
Look at our 50 covers. That is one heck of an impressive collage, basically a “who’s who” of the real estate industry. You do not get that quality of cover stories month after month by accident. You get them by delivering results and earning the respect of the industry leaders.

And interestingly, our 50th cover story is on REI Nation. I was initially introduced to the Clothier family in 2010 when I first began cutting my teeth in the publishing industry. Here we are 13 years later, and they are on the cover of REI INK. REI Nation has a great story and a great history.
Thank you to everybody who has supported us along this journey.
Happy investing!