Investor Profile

**Publisher Note**
Scott Sekulow passed away on Thursday, August 12, 2021, just one month after granting this interview. Scott had been hospitalized several days with COVID. John Holman, his Development Agent, said, “Scott was one of the really good guys. He was a leader in the council, always generous and willing to help other people. He will be missed!”
From all of us at REI INK, Rest in Peace.
“The Flipping Rabbi”
Scott Sekulow, aka “The Flipping Rabbi” (a moniker bestowed by Emmanuel Lewis, the star of the 80’s sitcom Webster), bought his first HomeVestors® franchise in 2018 in Atlanta, GA. After only three and one-half years, his company, JNS Real Estate Investments, Inc. has become the Number One franchise in Atlanta. He bought his second franchise two months ago in Augusta, GA. He is also the founder and Rabbi of Congregation Beth Adonai in Atlanta which he formed in 2002.
Having grown up in retail, he was a partner in his first business at the age of twelve; a pretzel booth at the Atlanta Flea Market. By age 18, he was a licensed real estate agent, only to give it up a few years later to pursue other interests.
Feeling the call of the ministry, Scott went back to school in 1993 and received a BS in Biblical Education. Since then, he has ministered in the USA, Israel, the former Soviet Union, South America, and India.
As a hobby, he got into flipping houses after rehabbing a rental property for his mother-in-law. He bought one of his houses from a local HomeVestors franchisee who convinced him to get involved with HomeVestors. Scott looked at HomeVestors as a great way to help people. “I don’t buy houses, I solve problems,” Scott explained.
One such example concerns a decorated Vietnam Veteran who served eleven years in the military. After losing an eye and not getting much assistance from the VA, the veteran needed help and just a “little” money from his house so he could move in with a friend. Scott was not only able to get $10,000 more than expected from the sale of his house, but the Ministry also paid for the veteran’s moving expenses.
Multiple Exit Strategies
Scott has also taken a different approach as a HomeVestors independent business owner. One of the factors that initially attracted Scott to HomeVestors was that they offer multiple exit strategies for properties, be it wholesaling, fix and flip or buy and hold. So, as the market changes you can change your focus, as well. From the beginning, Scott’s focus has been on working with and selling to hedge funds, and in most cases not even rehabbing the property, just selling directly to them. While the Atlanta franchise focuses strictly on wholesaling, the Augusta franchise, SNJ Real Estate Solutions Inc., concentrates on both wholesaling and buy and hold.
When a rehab is necessary, enter Judy Sekulow. The couple met while both attending Mercer University in Atlanta. Scott graduated with a BA in Management and Judy with a BA in Marketing. They married in 1989 and are the proud parents of a daughter, Natalie, born in 2001. According to Scott, “Judy has the decorating eye.”
Today, the Sekulow team buys 70 houses per year consisting of wholesale deals and “cosmetic” fix and flips. They also recently began adding properties to their personal real estate portfolio. Even during the COVID lockdown, their businesses grew while other companies experienced a loss or shut down altogether. Scott attributes this to the fact that there is no competition among HomeVestors independent business owners. “We all work together, give advice to each other, and help each other. HomeVestors corporate has built a strong bond within the organization.” He also attributes it to the fact that real estate is a relationship business and not merely staring at your computer screen and being an “instant buyer.”
What exactly does it mean to be a HomeVestors business owner? Owning a real estate business is life changing and naturally comes with risks! When you become a HomeVestors business owner, you get immediate access to motivated seller leads, financing resources for qualifying purchases and repairs, one-on-one coaching with your local Development Agent, proprietary software for analyzing properties and deals, and access to a nationwide network of coaches and peers. Your house-buying business is yours and you run it as your own venture with a focus toward your individual business goals.
If you are interested in a franchise, contact April Nealey at
Each franchise office is independently owned and operated.