Investor Profile

Jeffrey Hotz
From Musician to Real Estate Entrepreneur
As the son of a real estate agent mother, Jeff Hotz always had a passion for real estate. He also had a passion for music.
After graduating high school, Jeff joined the United States Marine Corps with the express goal of being a musician in the Corps. He did that and much more for six years, from 1998–2004 (as a musician in the Corps, you are first and foremost a fighting Marine). After that he took a “military” break and became a licensed real estate agent and property manager in the Washington, D.C. area before joining the United States Navy and becoming the Navy Region Southwest Brass Quintet Leader and Drum Major. He finally settled into the United States Army Reserves as a Trumpet Instrumentalist and Platoon Sergeant, positions he still holds today.
While in Washington, D.C. in 2012 he saw a “We Buy Ugly Houses®” billboard and the rest is HomeVestors of America history. In 2013, he bought a HomeVestors franchise and became an independently owned and operated business owner in the Cleveland, Ohio market, forming Marcor Investments LLC. Because of military commitments, he ended up transferring his franchise to the Chicago area for a time, before ultimately securing a firm footing in Columbus, Ohio.
In Jeff’s own words, he was “the right person at the right time”. The timing was perfect to immerse himself in his “real estate passion”. He always wanted to be his own boss and create something for himself and his family, specifically, long-term legacy wealth. Jeff’s wife, Kellie, is a Communications Consultant in the bio-tech industry, and together they have two boys: Brady, 12 and Bennett, 3.
Similar to other successful HomeVestors independent business owners, Jeff has relied heavily on the support, structure, and time-tested proven systems of HomeVestors, including the Development Agent (DA) program. He also credits his military experiences and the knowledge gained from serving in the military. As Jeff puts it, “I do what I’m told to do.” He also credits strategic and tactical thinking, the mission accomplishment credo, and the ethics of selfless service. “Real estate is a numbers game,” added Jeff, “but people are the most important part. You need to be passionate about helping people!”
Jeff equates his military “family” with his HomeVestors® “family.” “I would go to war with my HVA family,” Jeff stressed.
At a mere 41 years old, 20+ years in the military, and a HomeVestors franchisee for 8 years, Jeff is on his way to building his long-term legacy wealth by also creating his own personal real estate portfolio along the way. Marcor Investments had their best year in 2020, pandemic and all. And, since 2017, Jeff has been the Development Agent for the entire state of Ohio. The DA program provides the necessary field support for both the new business owners as well as the seasoned ones.
Jeff’s advice to fellow independent business owners: “Get committed…push back the noise…move forward…and focus on mission accomplishment.” Spoken like a true Marine and
trumpet player.
What exactly does it mean to be a HomeVestors business owner? Owning a real estate business is life changing and naturally comes with risks! When you become a HomeVestors® business owner, you get immediate access to motivated seller leads, financing resources, one-on-one coaching with your local Development Agent, proprietary software for analyzing properties and deals, and access to a nationwide network of coaches and peers. Your house-buying business is yours and you run it as your own venture.
If you are interested in a franchise, contact April Nealey at
Each franchise office is independently owned and operated.