Increasing Curb Appeal

Setting the Mood for Showing Your House
by Shannon McNabb
First Impressions
The old saying always seems to ring true and that is that first impressions are particularly important, and they last. Houses listed for sale currently are often posted online and “for sale” signs are placed in front of the home. When potential buyers pull up to the home, what they see first is crucial because it is going to set the whole mood for the showing of the house. Curb appeal is vital when it comes to marketing your investment.
Picking the right paint scheme
One of the many things you can do to increase curb appeal to prospective buyers is exterior painting. So, what is the right scheme? Are you in a more urban area or a more traditional area? The aesthetic you choose for your house needs to match what is going on in the surrounding area. Regardless of what is currently trendy, you can always spark interest with a “pop” color, a color that makes your house stand out from the rest. Maybe a navy-blue front door with matching shutters. Personally, the favorite for this writer is a beautiful yellow with a nice color on the shutters that makes sense. Your comps in the area will help determine what is trending, and right now, “pop” colors are trending.
One thing we have seen recently is painting a brick house. It is a cost-effective enhancement that gives your property something extra that the house next door does not have.
Doing something, anything, for the landscape of the property
Overgrown yards are often noticed, not only by the neighbors, but also by your prospective home buyers. When thinking about landscapes for the potential homebuyer, think about what can be easily maintained by them in the future. Spruce up the garden beds with fresh mulch and a nice perennial that can withstand your region’s climate changes. Make it easy for them and let them know that the upkeep can be simple. Plant a few easily maintained trees to add some life to the property. Add some stonework to define paths and emphasize the areas that have been added to make that first great impression. A little bit can go an awfully long way.
Photo of a modern custom single-level suburban home on a sunny summer day
Staging for your desired audience
Perhaps your budget does not include exterior repairs or professional landscaping. Or maybe the house does not need a lot of exterior work. Another way to make your property appealing and welcoming is by adding a feature that makes the future homebuyer know that this could be their home. By simply adding a seasonal wreath or a nice outdoor patio set can show prospective buyers that your home can be their home, something they can add their personal touch to and make it theirs. Make sure that what you choose for the exterior can be for any family type. This could range from a full exterior set (for a front porch) or even a nice accent piece such as a beautiful potted plant (for limited space).
So, how important are first impressions?
The first impression of your property can mean everything to the person looking at it. It can be the difference between a “sale” and a “no-sale”. It can show them the possibilities, or it could show them that it is not for them. Make sure that your home is inviting and that everybody is always welcome. And besides getting top dollar for your investment, that is what we all want.