Having an Impact

When “Nothing But The Best” in Life Will Do
When David Offutt describes his experience in real estate, it immediately becomes clear that the two-decades-plus veteran of the industry is not just experiencing a great deal of success; he is having a great deal of fun. “I love what I do,” he explained. “I know that every day I’m going to find an opportunity where I am going to impact someone or they are going to impact me. I love that.”
Offutt got started in real estate in the early 2000s after spotting what he hoped would be a great piece of investment property and being flabbergasted at the price tag. He jumped into the industry with both feet, taking his real estate exam, getting his broker’s license, and buying two real estate franchises all within about two years of that initial encounter. Shortly after the housing crash, Offutt found HomeVestors and has been with the company ever since. “It has been an amazing journey in the real estate space,” he said.
A Family Operation
One of the things Offutt likes best about real estate is it enables him to spend plenty of quality time with his family — especially his wife, Detra, who is a top-performing agent and partner with him in the family’s HomeVestors business. “She helps me with everything; beginning to end she is the best partner I could ever ask for,” Offutt said. The two have been serial entrepreneurs throughout the duration of their relationship. However, Offutt said, “[Homevestors] is the last one. We won’t do any more from this point forward — just own real estate and run the franchise.”
Offutt’s son, Devante, recently joined the Offutt real estate team as a property coordinator. “I’m thrilled for him and my wife,” Offutt said, noting that he expects a change in the housing market in the near future. “[At present], we are putting ourselves in a better cash position, strengthening our relationships with local lenders, and building our relationships in the community.” Devante will play a key role in that process, Offutt said.
Nothing But the Best
When it comes to doing and being the best, Offutt applies that mentality to his real estate portfolio just as he has to his personal and professional life. This means that when he acquires properties as long-term investments, they must be what he describes as “‘A’ properties in ‘A’ locations.” In almost all cases, he prefers small multifamily properties ranging from four to six units.
Offutt’s class-A-only approach to his long-term investments does not preclude the short-term acquisition of other promising pieces of real estate. Anything less than “prime” is relegated to the cash-flow division of the business. Offutt also cultivates relationships within the local HomeVestors community, where he is an enthusiastic participant in a variety of networking and educational programs.
Making An Impact Every Day
Offutt also loves the positive impact real estate investors have on individuals and on the communities in which they operate. “So many of the people we meet are in distressed situations,” he said, recalling a deal with a senior homeowner hoping to sell her extremely “cluttered” home. Offutt bought the house and assisted with the homeowner’s transition to a new home. Then, after the renovation, he invited her back. She was thrilled.
Offutt makes it a policy to involve the former homeowner and any nearby neighbors in the investing process whenever possible, believing that this helps build community. “Often the folks we work with are in distressed situations, and that means the neighbors are usually kind of stressed, too,” he explained. “We introduce ourselves, let them know what we are doing, and then we address the exterior of the home first thing so that everyone can benefit.”
What exactly does it mean to be a HomeVestors® business owner? Owning a real estate business is life changing and naturally comes with risks! When you become a HomeVestors business owner, you get immediate access to motivated seller leads, financing resources for qualifying purchases and repairs, one-on-one coaching with your local Development Agent, proprietary software for analyzing properties and deals, and access to a nationwide network of coaches and peers. Your house-buying business is yours and you run it as your own venture with a focus toward your individual business goals.
If you are interested in a franchise, call 855-454-4578. Each franchise office is independently owned and operated.