Finding Your Niche: Self Storage Edition

Travis Baucom is a real estate investor in Waco, TX, focused on self-storage syndications. He has been investing in real estate for years in single-family residential properties and recently made his way into commercial, specifically in self-storage properties.
Listen to this episode to learn more about Travis, his transition from single-family to multifamily, and what he has learned along the way!
“When you look at deals, you need to be underwriting them a lot more conservatively than you have in the past.”
“Attorneys, property managers, maintenance guys – all that can be contracted out so it’s not on your payroll.”
“The great thing is storage pays so well, cash flow wise. We don’t have to buy a property this year to continue our lifestyle.”
“There are 3,000 facilities in America – 70% of those are owned by mom-and-pop and the ones that aren’t, 80% of those are owned by companies that are publicly traded on Wall Street.”
“What you did is the same advice I give everyone. It’s really first aid, it’s triage. Stop the bleeding, protect the wound, treat for shock.”
“Sometimes, you just have to understand that the good deal is just getting out of there.”
Website: RCN Capital
Website: REI INK
Website: Travis Baucom