Census Data Show Individuals Continue to Own Largest Share of Single-Family Rental Homes
According to data released as part of the Census Bureau’s 2021 Rental Housing Finance Survey (RHFS), individual owners account for approximately 72.53% of all single-family rental homes in the United States, the largest share of any ownership group. The share of homes owned by individuals in the 2021 survey marked a slight increase from the 2018 survey when individuals owned approximately 72.50% of single-family rental homes. The next largest share of single-family rental homes are held by a collection of partnership and limited liability interests (LPs, LLPs, and LLCs), ownership structures often employed by individuals and small businesses, which account for approximately 14.27%.

“Results from the 2021 Rental Housing Finance Survey show that individuals and small, local businesses account for the vast majority – in excess of 85% – of single-family rental homes in the United States. What’s more, the share of single-family rental home ownership by individuals has remained consistent with 2018 levels,” said David Howard, Chief Executive Officer of the National Rental Home Council. “In addition to revealing the hyper-local aspect of single-family rental home ownership, these survey results demonstrate a continuing commitment on the part of individual owners to provide a vital source of quality, affordably-priced rental housing.”
Source: Rental Housing Finance Survey, US Census Bureau; https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/rhfs.html
SOURCE National Rental Home Council
About NRHC
The National Rental Home Council (NRHC) is the nonprofit trade association representing the single-family rental home industry. NRHC members provide families and individuals with access to high-quality, single-family rental homes that contribute to the vitality and vibrancy of neighborhoods and communities. For more information on NRHC or the single-family rental home industry visit www.rentalhomecouncil.org