Risk Management – Page 4 – REI INK

Risk Management

Cyberattacks: The Quiet ROI Killer

Tips for minimizing risk in today’s digitally reliant world By Zach Fuller Market shifts, tenant issues, lawsuits and maintenance expenses are risks we think about and plan for regularly in our investment endeavors. Proper planning and safeguards help you keep the returns you’ve built, both in your business and investment portfolio. However, there is a “ROI killer” that happens quicker, hits harder and is more elusive than perhaps any of

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Demystifying Property Analysis

Understanding property analysis can be the difference  between a big profit and losing everything. By Scott Fahl Property analysis has long been a subjective practice, with as many different opinions on best practices as there are properties. Getting it right can mean the difference between a big profit and losing everything. Why is it so difficult to get an accurate property value? Surely with all the billions that have been

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Accelerating the Debt? Consider Slowing Down!

Limitation of Actions. Or, put colloquially, the Statute of Limitation. Three words that can derail your foreclosure and impair the legal validity of both the mortgage and the underlying promissory note. Not paying attention can be devastating to a lender. So, what is the Statute of Limitation and how does it work?

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Asset Protection: That Thing You Should Have Done Yesterday

Besides knowing the cost of the insurance, be aware of “gotchas” that can ruin you financially. There are more than 30 million lawsuits filed in the U.S. each year. If you own a home with equity, a business, rental income property or have large sums in stocks, bonds and cash, then you have a target on your back. It is human nature to think nothing bad will ever happen to

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Using Insurance to Preserve Lender Capital

How much more capital would your investors provide if you exceeded expectations for preserving their capital? Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha, has a Golden Rule: “Rule No. 1 is never lose money. Rule No. 2 is to never forget Rule No. 1.” The standard investment rule Buffet follows is to preserve investor capital. This seems like a very easy rule to follow, yet most lenders never get past the

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Know the True Cost of Investor Insurance

Besides knowing the cost of the insurance, be aware of “gotchas” that can ruin you financially.

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