Risk Management

Do Your Homework on Coinsurance

Coinsurance can be costly if you don’t understand the penalties. You’re a savvy investor. You make sound, confident decisions about the properties you’ve added to your portfolio. And your strategy has been successful. Yet even the most successful real estate investors can be snagged by the penalties associated with valuation and coinsurance, outlined in the fine print on your insurance policy. If you’re like most bullish investors, you’re probably heavily

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Risk Mitigation Isn’t Just For “Risk Managers”

Risk mitigation starts with originations, continues through relationship management and lending, and merely “plays out” if a loan starts going sideways. By then it can be too late … It’s often been said, “The time between economic recessions in the United States is like a baseball game, one inning for each year.” Whether you agree or not, it’s hard to argue the current economic recovery has gone into “extra innings”

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Raising Receivables Recovery

FCO’s 10 debt collection best practices for rental property managers Even in today’s healthy economy, the residential rent receivables that are written off as uncollectible remain at high levels. According to the National Apartment Association’s 2019 Income and Expense Survey, rents and damages sent for collections range from $79  to $103 per unit per year—or 0.5%-0.8% of Gross Potential Rent, depending on property type. Renters’ debt disputes are more complex

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Automating Your Way to Fewer Renters Insurance Risks

Here’s what property managers must know to reduce the hidden risks in renters insurance platforms. Many property managers use fully automated renters insurance platforms. These solutions are efficient and effective. They deliver bottomline benefits to both property managers and residents. Most important, they help ensure 100% coverage of all leaseholders, 100% of the time. When implemented properly, a fully automated program eliminates time-consuming manual tasks for property managers and gives

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Tips for Controlling Your Insurance Costs in 2020

Following the trends of 2017 and 2018 (which saw five of the 15 costliest catastrophes in history), 2019 continued to see property and liability rates rise—and more stringent underwriting requirements. Some insurers’ once-strong appetites for risk in the habitational insurance market are waning. Investors with properties in catastrophe-prone areas are likely to continue to feel rate pressure into 2020, particularly those in areas susceptible to windstorms, flooding and fire. So,

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Am I Covered or Not?

Make sure you understand what you’re buying and what it covers. If I pay an insurance premium, does that mean I’ll get paid if something goes wrong? That question is difficult for the average insurance agent as well as the typical insurance consumer  to answer. Understanding some insurance basics—such as covered loss, exclusions, underwriting and the difference between a bond and insurance—will help with the answer. Bond Versus Insurance Most

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