Regional Spotlight

Salt Lake City, Utah

The “Crossroads of the West” Boasts Enduring Strength at the Core by Carole VanSickle Ellis With a housing market holding strong in both single-family and multifamily sectors, an unemployment rate under half the national average in the last quarter of 2020, and an emerging trend in interstate “near-shoring” as West Coast businesses move operations inland to avoid high taxes and stringent health policy restrictions, the Salt Lake City real estate

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Morris County, New Jersey

A Strong Market is Nothing New for this Northeastern County. By: Carole VanSickle Ellis Although many aspects of the 2020 U.S. economy are in limbo—if not all-out freefall—the residential real estate sector has remained on relatively firm footing. In markets in suburban and rural areas, single-family housing complete with a little personal space for “outdoor living” has become one of the hottest commodities in the country. This is particularly true

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Macon, Georgia

Despite COVID-19, the “Heart of Georgia” Market is Holding Strong. by Carole VanSickle Ellis Macon, Georgia, sits squarely in the geographic center of the state, a location that earned the city its nickname, “The Heart of Georgia.” And while the Georgia’s “heart” may have been historically overshadowed by its capital, Atlanta (“Hotlanta”), real estate in Macon has taken an unprecedented turn skyward in 2020 thanks in large part to a

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Regional Spotlight: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Steel City’s innovative spirit keeps the market hot under duress. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has not historically been a city of extremes. During the housing boom, the subsequent housing crash and the Great Recession of the early 2000s, property values remained largely flat relative to the dramatic swings in the rest of the country. During the last 30 years, unemployment rates have never ventured into double-digit territory. Instead, they have remained

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Regional Spotlight: Portland, Maine

The Northeastern market remains competitive in 2020. As with every other U.S. city, Portland, Maine, entered summer 2020 pulled in many directions. Fortunately for Portland, as the most populous city in Maine with just over 66,000 residents (according to 2019 U.S. Census estimates), some of the tension in the market has been due to a competitive housing market and an economy that’s tentatively recovering. That economy, which has historically relied

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Regional Spotlight: Las Vegas, Nevada

“Sin City” Real Estate Posts a Summer Surprise When COVID-19 locked down the U.S. in mid-March, analysts understandably warned that economies heavily reliant on tourism and hospitality would suffer the most. With national unemployment spiraling into the double digits and remaining above 13% in June, it seemed likely that Las Vegas, Nevada, would once again secure a spot on the hardest-hit lists for the latest downturn, thanks to its dominant

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