
UNIN 5 | Leading With Value

Investing with Purpose: Having Real Intentions in Real Estate With Donovan Ruffin

  If you want people to work with you, you need to be leading with value. Don’t make every meeting you have a business transaction. You need to actually want to help people so that they will work with you. You can’t grow your business if no one wants to work with you. This is exactly what Donovan Ruffin did when he founded Equity Cash Offer. He’s only 28, yet

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Wholetailing: Flipping Real Estate With No Money With Travis Johnson

  Have you ever thought about flipping real estate deals but don’t know how to do it? You’re not alone. Travis Johnson, a successful house flipper in Minnesota and author of the Seven Figure Flipping Book, learned how to flip real estate the hard way. With no books or training when he first started, he did everything wrong and took financial losses. Today, Travis shares his experience on how to

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UNIN 4 Logan | Discounted Deals

How Your Profit Margin Compares To Your Margin Of Safety With Logan Fullmer

  If you just found a good deal but got stuck with legalities, you can’t miss this episode of Uncontested Investing! Logan Fullmer joins Tim Herriage and shares his journey from managing construction in the oil field to finding real estate success through discounted deals. Not too long after starting his real estate journey, Logan saw himself earning over a million dollars on a single deal! Tune in as he

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There’s Transactional Money And There’s Wealth With Eddie Speed Of NoteSchool

  As the world increasingly moves towards a data-driven economy, data is becoming increasingly important in the note industry. By understanding the data, businesses can make better decisions about growing and scaling their operations. That is what our guest, Eddie Speed, the President and Founder of NoteSchool, talks about. Having been in the note industry for thirty-plus years, Eddie has an unparalleled track record in the industry and honed marketing

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Delayed Gratification Is Your Key To Financial Freedom With Mike Hambright Of Investor Fuel Mastermind

  Sometimes, being naïve about how things work in a business can be a blessing. While others are running away or cowering in fear, you might just go against the grain and reap massive rewards as a result. That’s exactly what happened to Mike Hambright when he started out in real estate. Mike is a real estate investor for 14 years, podcast host, and founder of Investor Fuel, America’s top

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