
UNIN 7 | Relationships In Real Estate

Relationships are the Key to Longevity in Real Estate Investing With Adonis Lockett

  Value every relationship that you make in real estate. It’s not about how much money you make. Real estate investing is a numbers game in a people business. You need to pay people what they are worth. You never know when you might need them again. Join Tim Herriage as he talks to the Director of Operations at LNH Capital and myRE360, Adonis Lockett about valuing the relationships you

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UNIN 8 | BRRRR Method

Why Vertical Integration is Crucial for Growing your Business with Josh Wilson

  What is it like to make a ton of money and grow companies that weren’t yours? Our guest, BRRRR method expert Josh Wilson, knows what that feels like, and it became the turning point for why he started figuring out ways to buy real estate. In this episode, Josh talks about how he started in property management. He shares how he discovered the BRRRR method and incorporated it into

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UNIN 6 | Real Estate Investors

How Instant Gratification Affects The State Of The Market With Suzanne Andresen

  Most real estate investors find it difficult to source their assets for their portfolios and forget to make sure they do the appropriate due diligence. In this episode, Suzanne Andresen shares some advice for the investors and explains how important conducting your due diligence is. She also talks about your lifestyle choice and how it affects your property to be under equity. Listen to this episode and hear what

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UNIN 10 Casey | Real Estate

The Importance Of Establishing Systems And Processes In Real Estate With Casey Smith

  Systems and processes are essential because they are the veins that allow the flow of work to be efficient. Just like in any other business, real estate investors need to establish systems and processes, too. In this episode, Dallas real estate investor and the Owner/Operator at Atlas Transaction Coordinator Services, Casey Smith explains how systems and processes are essential to any business and how they have been very important

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UNIN 5 | Leading With Value

Investing with Purpose: Having Real Intentions in Real Estate With Donovan Ruffin

  If you want people to work with you, you need to be leading with value. Don’t make every meeting you have a business transaction. You need to actually want to help people so that they will work with you. You can’t grow your business if no one wants to work with you. This is exactly what Donovan Ruffin did when he founded Equity Cash Offer. He’s only 28, yet

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Wholetailing: Flipping Real Estate With No Money With Travis Johnson

  Have you ever thought about flipping real estate deals but don’t know how to do it? You’re not alone. Travis Johnson, a successful house flipper in Minnesota and author of the Seven Figure Flipping Book, learned how to flip real estate the hard way. With no books or training when he first started, he did everything wrong and took financial losses. Today, Travis shares his experience on how to

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