Investor Profile

Walt and Gina York

A Whirlwind of Events Leading to Success For North Carolinians Walt and Gina York, to say that 2015 was a whirlwind of life-changing events, would be an understatement! Walt and Gina, knowing they were going to get married, established GW Property Solutions, LLC in March of 2015 with the intention of flipping houses and holding rental properties. They   married in September 2015, bought a HomeVestors® (HVA) franchise in October 2015,

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The Evans Brothers and Team

How Cody and Chris Evans Turned a Small Idea into a Huge Reality In 2002, Cody and Chris Evans had an idea: “Let’s buy homes, remodel them, and sell them.” So, that is exactly what they did. Little did they know that their “part-time” idea would develop into an extremely successful real estate investment business. During the day, Chris was a real estate agent and Cody owned a construction company.

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Investor Profile

Jeffrey Hotz From Musician to Real Estate Entrepreneur As the son of a real estate agent mother, Jeff Hotz always had a passion for real estate. He also had a passion for music. After graduating high school, Jeff joined the United States Marine Corps with the express goal of being a musician in the Corps. He did that and much more for six years, from 1998–2004 (as a musician in

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Investor Profile

Alan Washer Sweet Home Chicago Born and raised in Chicago, Alan was working for American Remodeling and enjoying a very successful corporate career. In 1988, a promotion moved him from Chicago to just outside of Los Angeles until his job took him next to Dallas in 1995. The person who helped Washer with his final relocation from Los Angeles to Dallas was a realtor who also bought and sold homes.

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Alex Seehaver and Don Cameron

Going From “Putting Your Toe in the Water” to National Recognition Being named the HomeVestors® National Franchise of the Year for the fifth time over the last ten years is no small feat. Yet that is exactly what happened to Donald Cameron and Alex Seehaver of Hi-Land Properties, an independently owned and operated HomeVestors franchise headquartered in West Palm Beach, Florida. Hi-Land Properties is one of more than 1,100 independently

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Investor Profile

Almas and Asif (AJ) Jadavji THE ENTREPRENURIAL SPIRIT Prior to becoming independent HomeVestors® business owners, Almas and Asif (AJ) Jadavji already possessed the two main ingredients for success: THE ENTREPRENURIAL SPIRIT and WORK ETHIC. While still living in Canada (they both have dual citizenship), Almas worked as an Accountant and later as an IT Director. However, both Almas and AJ came from entrepreneurial families and knew that eventually they would

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