Investor Profile

Keeping an Open Mind

How a Serial Entrepreneur Became a Real Estate Success A successful entrepreneur with deep experience in start-ups, as well as in executive and financial management, Derek Cook has always been open to new business opportunities. His various ventures have included mortgage lending, restaurants, automobiles, and even the ATM industry. But his most recent successes involve those in the real estate investment industry. A native Floridian, Cook got his first taste

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Having an Impact

When “Nothing But The Best” in Life Will Do When David Offutt describes his experience in real estate, it immediately becomes clear that the two-decades-plus veteran of the industry is not just experiencing a great deal of success; he is having a great deal of fun. “I love what I do,” he explained. “I know that every day I’m going to find an opportunity where I am going to impact

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Following a Calling

When A New Business Opportunity Called, Ross Herman Went All In Ross Herman, the proud owner of a HomeVestors® franchise based in Minneapolis/St. Paul, started out in business as a public accountant. However, he always knew he would use that expertise to chase bigger dreams. “I went the CPA route in order to see different businesses, operations, and management styles,” Herman said. “I always wanted to do my own thing,

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Stockbroker to Real Estate

The Key to Success is Mentorship Carl Bassett is a very proud “military brat” who has moved more times than he can remember. His father is a Vietnam veteran, and his grandfather was Brigadier General Roundy, who was the Commanding General of Fort Rucker, Alabama during the Vietnam war. While attending Westminster College, a private school in Salt Lake City, Utah, Carl Bassett began working as a stockbroker for Fidelity

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Business Is Not a Hobby

Focusing On the Five Pillars of Success – Every Day Already a successful and seasoned businessman at the ripe young age of thirty-four in Tucson, Arizona, Larry Gibbons felt the need to be professionally tested. Armed with real world upper management experience, an undergraduate degree from the University of Arizona and an MBA from the University of Phoenix, Gibbons set out looking for his next big challenge and test. He

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Investor Profile

**Publisher Note** Scott Sekulow passed away on Thursday, August 12, 2021, just one month after granting this interview. Scott had been hospitalized several days with COVID. John Holman, his Development Agent, said, “Scott was one of the really good guys. He was a leader in the council, always generous and willing to help other people. He will be missed!” From all of us at REI INK, Rest in Peace. “The

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