From the Hill

New Actions to Lower Housing Costs

Cutting Red Tape to Build More Housing By David Howard Recently the Biden Administration proposed a number of actions and policy reforms designed to spur new housing development. The administration’s clear intent is to reduce and recast existing regulatory barriers that restrict or disincentivize the production of new housing, especially affordable housing. The actions announced are listed below with narrative explanations reprinted from a White House fact sheet. Making funding available

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The Biden Rent Control Policy

Will Further Exacerbate Housing Development and the Investment Crisis By David Howard In response to President Biden’s call to implement a national rent control policy, this article articulates the viewpoint of the National Rental Home Council (NRHC), which represents the single-family rental housing industry. Not since the economic recession of the early 1970s has the federal government turned to price controls to regulate rents on a national level. However, rent

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Four Myths About the Single-Family Rental Home Industry

Shedding Light on Reality By David Howard In recent years, the explosive growth of the single-family rental home market has attracted widespread attention from the public, the media, and policymakers alike. Landlords have rented out single-family homes for generations. But the recent professionalization of the industry has transformed the market. For decades, the overwhelming majority of rental homes were owned by landlords who hold a single property. While that’s still

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States Pass ‘Anti-Squatter’ Legislation

Legislation Passed with Overwhelming Bipartisan Support By David Howard As the supply of new housing has struggled to keep pace with demand over the past decade, single-family rental housing has come to play an increasingly important role for families in search of quality, well-located housing. And with the surge in interest rates over the last year pushing the cost of housing to record highs, single-family rental homes provide residents with

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California’s Quest to Push Housing Even Further Out of Reach

Renting Must be Part of the Solution By David Howard Make no mistake: It is a difficult time for homebuyers right now, and California stands out as one of the nation’s toughest states to buy a home. It’s not just that home prices are hitting an all-time high, and that California features some of the least affordable housing markets in the country. High interest rates mean that even families that

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Invigorating America’s Housing Market

Some Proposals for Consideration By David Howard This year’s State of the Union address featured a number of proposals designed to invigorate America’s housing market. Most notable among the proposals: »              A two-year mortgage relief credit of up to $10,000 for first-time homebuyers »              A one-year tax credit of up to $10,000 for homeowners who sell a starter home to owner-occupants »              Up to $25,000 in downpayment assistance for first-time

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