Due Diligence

Invasion of the Property Snatchers

The Financial and Community Impact By the End 2 End Team Your property is being taken without your consent and your knowledge. You find your asset is being essentially snatched away from you by a squatter, an individual living in your property while having no title, no rights, and/or no lease. Despite the squatter having no right to the property, it now falls upon you to determine how to remove

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The Impact of Flood Zones on Valuations

The Best Course for Due Diligence By Rich Reade Today, flooding is a topic of major interest and concern to investors, lenders, and homeowners for good reason: It is the #1 natural disaster in the US, having affected 99% of all US counties in the last 20 years. Flooding can happen anywhere and not just limited to coastal areas, near bodies of water, nor the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

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The Overlooked Component of Due Diligence

Eliminating the Luck Factor in Investment Decisions By Nicholas DeSumma Knowledge, timing, and luck are often considered key variables that play into a successful real estate investment. However, those that successfully invest in real estate over long periods of time while adapting to various market cycles often can eliminate “luck” from their equation and substitute it with expanded knowledge. As an investor, continuously analyzing and refining the key questions —

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Preventing Rental Fraud

How to Protect Your Properties from Potential Fraud By Justin Lieberknecht Fraud is out there. Whole call centers in India devote themselves to software fraud, bank fraud, gift card fraud, and rental fraud. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center, 11,578 people reported losing more than $350 million to fraud in 2021. The losses are likely much higher, as many scams go unreported, and some are stopped before money

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Tax Planning

The Secret to “Making Your Own Math” By Teresa Bilsky A business owner is interviewing accountants with a one-question interview, “What is two plus two?” Applicant after applicant answers four until finally an experienced applicant looks directly at the business owner and without any emotional reaction answers, “What do you want it to be?” Though this is intended to be merely humor, those who are experienced in tax planning smile

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Keep the Crypto. The Future is the Technology. By Jake Harris & Juan Huerta Imagine a bank that was purpose-built to handle nothing but projects. Every party associated with a project was welcome to come in and get their own bank account so they could buy and/or sell goods and services to others in the bank. Even the project itself could get a one-time-use bank account through which all the

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