Data & Analytics

Artificial Intelligence

AI Enables Personalized Property Intelligence for Investors By Steve Gaenzler Historic inflation, a doubling of mortgage rates, and general uncertainty about the direction of the real estate market have made investors cautious about the future and concerned about risk in their portfolios. The U.S. housing market is experiencing something between a normalization and a correction. After skyrocketing in 2021 and early 2022, home price growth slowed significantly between June and


Three Distinct Quarters Tell the Story of a Resilient Housing Market

Differences Between Pandemic and Great Recession By: Steve Gaenzler, SVP, Data & Analytics, Radian One year ago, it would have been nearly impossible for prognosticators looking ahead to fathom what was to beset the U.S. in 2020. A worldwide pandemic with terrible human loss, record low unemployment rates flipped to record highs in a matter of weeks, 30-day mortgage delinquency counts shooting to a level higher than the peak of