Navigating the Digital Landscape

Selling Real Estate in the 21st Century By Christopher Link In the ever-evolving world of real estate, the digital revolution has transformed how properties are marketed, bought, and sold. The […]

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Improve Efficiency and Visibility with the Help of Technology

The Key is Finding the Right Platform By Ryan Helms Gone are the days of filing cabinets overflowing with lease agreements, tenant communications and maintenance invoices. Technology has revolutionized how […]

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A One-Click Real Estate Transaction?

It is Not Entirely Out of the Realm of Possibility By Carter Pratt and Bryan Robinette The integration of digital automation in the real estate industry has made valuation, diligence […]

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Taste Tester Investor Another great culinary networking event with our wonderful friends, clients and supporters. Co-Hosted by RCN Capital & REI INK Sponsored by Home Depot Pro, BCHH, and Swidget

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How Technology has Changed the Construction, Repair & Remodeling Industries

But There is No Replacement for Professionalism By Clint Lien As history shows, technology has a way of making things faster, easier, and much more efficient, in most cases. However, […]

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Driving Real Estate Tech Forward

Utilizing a Collaborative Approach to Venture Capital By Aaron Ru Over the past decade, there has been an explosion in the number of technology tools available to the real estate […]

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