November 2022 – REI INK

100 House Members Pledge Support to ‘Neighborhood Homes Investment Act’ to Expand Affordable Homeownership Opportunities and Revitalize Communities

500,000 homes could be constructed, renovated and sold under the bipartisan bill With Congress set to reconvene for a post-election legislative session, 100 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 24 senators have now signed on to support a new tax incentive that would produce 500,000 starter homes in struggling communities over the next decade. The legislation would address the needs of families throughout the country that are struggling

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U.S. News & World Report Unveils New Housing Market Index

Housing market perspectives are synthesized with the new interactive interface U.S. News & World Report, the global authority in rankings and consumer advice, unveiled its new Housing Market Index. The new tool leverages IBM Watson® Natural Language Understanding –  and the recently acquired Housing Tides Index from EnergyLogic – to help enable U.S. News to interpret and synthesize large volumes of housing data for easy viewing. This new index comes as the housing market crisis

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UNIN 26 | Real Estate

Naaman Taylor On Building Wealth As An Army Veteran-Turned-Real Estate Investor

  Being in the army is a patriotic duty that gives you overflowing pride, but time will come and you need to move on from the service. Going into real estate is one of the best investments a veteran can do, given its wide variety of assets and available opportunities. Many retired soldiers only don’t know about it because they’re not exposed to it. Our guest made it his mission

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UNIN 25 | Real Estate

All Things Real Estate: Getting Started, Scaling Your Team, And Living The Dream With Jason Mcdougall

  Finding opportunities in the market has always been hyped and encouraged—but it is actually as challenging as it is dreamy. In this episode, Jason McDougall shares with us his financial journey and all the gold nuggets he got in real estate from learning the hard way! Jason is a DFW All-Star, real estate investor, and founder of Next Era Home Buyers. How do you pick a market to focus on? Why is

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UNIN 24 | Renters Warehouse

Renters Warehouse: Leveraging Your House To Generate Income With Noel Christopher

  When you own the house, you can’t generate wealth from it if you don’t leverage it. In today’s society, where people are moving five to ten years from now, how can you create wealth by owning that house? In today’s episode, Noel Christopher, the Senior Vice President of Renters Warehouse, shares his insights on homeownership and how you can leverage your house to generate income. Tune in and learn more about

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Prepayment Activity Hit Record Low in October

– Prepayments fell 16.5% to a single-month mortality (SMM) rate of 0.48%, well below the previous record of 0.55% and the lowest recorded since at least 2000 when Black Knight began reporting the metric – The national delinquency rate rose 4.5% in October to 2.91% – up 12 basis points since September – driven by a sharp 9.4% rise in 30-day delinquencies – Florida led the jump in new early delinquencies (+19K)

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