word of the day: Bafflegab

[ba-fəl-ˌgab] Part of speech: Noun Origin: English, 20th century Definition: Messy, wordy jargon; Incomprehensible gibberish; Confusing legal or bureaucratic language Examples of Bafflegab in a sentence “The contract was full of so much bafflegab that I don’t even know what I agreed to.” “Do your words have actual meaning, or is it all just bafflegab?” About Bafflegab In addition to bafflegab, English has a rich history of words used to describe nonsense. Some standouts include

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Zombie Properties Still Represent Just One of Every 13,000 Residential Properties Nationwide; But Ratio is Up Since Lifting of Foreclosure Moratorium One Year Ago ATTOM, a leading curator of real estate data nationwide for land and property data, released its third-quarter 2022 Vacant Property and Zombie Foreclosure Report showing that 1.3 million (1,277,162) residential properties in the United States sit vacant. That figure represents 1.3 percent, or one in 78 homes, across the nation. The

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Buyers gaining time and options as housing market rebalances

Competition is easing as inventory accumulates, leading the market back toward ‘normal’ U.S. home values fell 0.1% from June to July, the first decline in the raw Zillow Home Value Index since 2012. Home values fell last month in 30 of the 50 largest metro areas, but are still up 16% from a year ago.  Rising inventory is being driven by homes lingering on the market and new listings trailing

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RCN Capital Appears on the Inc. 5000 List of the Fastest-Growing Private Companies

RCN Capital, the leading nationwide private lender for real estate investors, has been named on the 2022 Inc. 5000 list, the most prestigious ranking of the fastest-growing private companies in America, ranking No. 2083. RCN Capital also ranked No. 119 on the Inc. 5000 Regionals Northeast list earlier this year.  “In such a dynamic fast-growing US economy that the Inc. 5000 tracks, it is truly humbling to be added to

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WORD OF THE DAY: Cognoscente

[kahn-yə-SHEN-tee] Part of speech: Noun Origin: Italian, late 18th century Definition: A connoisseur; a discerning expert Examples of Cognoscente in a sentence “Jackie took special pride in her reputation as a film cognoscente.” “While he could make anything behind the bar, Jerome worked best as a wine cognoscente.” About Cognoscente This word — which translates directly into “people who know” — developed in the late 18th century from the Italian words “cognoscent” (getting to know)

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Homebuyer Competition Falls to Lowest Level Since Early Months of Pandemic

Higher mortgage rates and home prices are pushing some house hunters out of the market, leaving those who remain with more options and negotiating power Nationwide, 44.3% of home offers written by Redfin agents faced competition on a seasonally adjusted basis in July, compared with a revised rate of 50.9% one month earlier and 63.8% one year earlier, according to a new report from Redfin (redfin.com), the technology-powered real estate brokerage. That’s

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