Home Sales Are Getting Canceled at the Highest Rate Since the Start of the Pandemic

Some homebuyers are backing out of deals as a slowing housing market gives them more room to negotiate. Nationwide, roughly 60,000 home-purchase agreements fell through in June, equal to 14.9% of homes that went under contract that month, according to the latest analysis from Redfin (www.redfin.com), the technology-powered real estate brokerage. That’s the highest percentage since March and April 2020, when the housing market all but ground to a halt due to

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WORD OF THE DAY: Cantankerous

[kan-tang-kə-rəs] Part of speech: Adjective Origin: Unknown; 18th century Definitions: Contentious; Uncooperative Examples of Cantankerous in a sentence “Our cantankerous mule has never been very cooperative, but he’s only gotten worse with age.” “My grandfather was known to be cantankerous, though he did have a kind side as well.” About Cantankerous While mules are stereotypically believed to be stubborn and cantankerous, they’re actually quite intelligent and generally cooperative. However, their intelligence gives them a long

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WORD OF THE DAY: Pollicitation

[pə-lis-ə-TAY-shən] Part of speech: Noun Origin: Late Middle English, unknown Definitions: 1. The action of promising; a promise; a document conveying a promise; 2. Also Civil Law: a promise not yet formally accepted, and therefore in certain cases revocable. Examples of Pollicitation in a sentence “They formalized the agreement by signing a pollicitation.” “Their contract was hinged on a pollicitation.” About Pollicitation Pollicitation is a more formal word for a promise — specifically, the action

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Zillow Names the Best U.S. Metros for Singles to Move to for Love in 2022

Wichita, Kansas, is the No. 1 city in the country for singles These places offer the best mix of available and affordable rental housing and are home to a high share of singles. Filling out the top five are Austin, Texas; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Denver, Colorado; and San Antonio, Texas. Four Texas cities — Austin, San Antonio, Houston and Dallas — are among the best cities for singles. With a growing share of American adults living single, a new Zillow analysis has ranked the

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[PEED-mahnt] Part of speech: noun Origin: Italian, mid-19th century Definition: A gentle slope leading from the base of mountains to a region of flat land. Examples of Piedmont in a sentence “The area’s piedmont had surprisingly fertile land.” “The piedmont rarely experienced severe flooding.” About Piedmont This word comes from the Italian “piemonte,” meaning “mountain foot.” Did you Know? When people hear “piedmont,” they tend to think of one of two specific locations: either northwestern

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New Coldwell Banker Data Shows High Rate of Out-of-State Searches

Fresh Coldwell Banker data from the Move Meter℠ reveals where Americans are dreaming of moving This summer, as Americans enjoy their favorite activities to cool down, dreams of moving are heating up. Fresh data from the Move MeterSM on the refreshed coldwellbanker.com shows trends and insights into where Americans are dreaming of moving, giving sellers an informative, clear picture about the potential of listing their homes. In fact, 82% of all Move Meter℠ searches to date

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