There’s Transactional Money And There’s Wealth With Eddie Speed Of NoteSchool

  As the world increasingly moves towards a data-driven economy, data is becoming increasingly important in the note industry. By understanding the data, businesses can make better decisions about growing and scaling their operations. That is what our guest, Eddie Speed, the President and Founder of NoteSchool, talks about. Having been in the note industry for thirty-plus years, Eddie has an unparalleled track record in the industry and honed marketing

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Redfin Reports Demand For Vacation Homes Is Now Below Pre-Pandemic Levels

High home prices and mortgage rates, along with economic uncertainty and an increase in second-home loan fees, have put an end to the pandemic-driven vacation-home boom Demand for vacation homes has fallen below the pre-pandemic baseline for the first time in two years, with mortgage-rate locks for second homes down 4% from before the pandemic in May, according to a new report from Redfin (, the technology-powered real estate brokerage. That’s down

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WORD OF THE DAY: Housewright

[HAUS-rite] Part of speech: Noun Origin: North America, mid-16th century Definition: A builder of houses, especially those constructed largely of timber; a house carpenter. Examples of Housewright in a sentence “After working with Habitat for Humanity, Rachel felt like a bonafide housewright.” “With Lincoln Logs, anyone can be a housewright in the comfort of their own home.” About Housewright Housewright developed as an American word in the 16th century through the combination of the words

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John Beacham of Toorak Capital Partners Named an Entrepreneur of the Year® 2022 New Jersey Award Winner by EY

Toorak Capital Partners, Inc. (“Toorak”), a leading capital provider to the residential real estate lending industry, announced that John Beacham, its Founder and CEO, has been named an Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2022 New Jersey Award winner by  Ernst & Young LLP (EY US). Entrepreneur Of The Year is one of the preeminent competitive business awards recognizing leaders of high-growth companies who think big to succeed. An independent panel of

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WORD OF THE DAY: Deontology

[dee-on-TALL-oh-jee] Part of speech: noun Origin: Greek, early 19th century Definition: A theory of ethics that establishes rules of right and wrong actions; the study of determining the right way to live life, based on duty and moral obligation Examples of Deontology in a sentence “After studying deontology in her Intro to Philosophy class she became obsessed with creating rules for her roommates to follow.” “The Golden Rule is one of the most basic

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What are the Most Popular Real Estate Listing Photos? New HomeJab Study Reveals the Answers

A new study of real estate photography data from HomeJab finds that the most popular real estate listing photo is not the home’s front exterior. Instead, bedroom photos were ranked first, barely nudging out kitchen photos. Front exterior shots placed a distant fifth. HomeJab, which provides real estate agents on-demand professional real estate photography and other visual production services in all 50 states, partnered with Artificial Intelligence firm to study more than 14,000 photos of homes for

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