Home Flipping Rate and Gross Profits Decline Across U.S. in First Quarter of 2021

Home Flipping Rate Falls in First Quarter to Lowest Level Since 2000 Prices on Flipped Homes Drop, Leading to Smallest Profit Margin in 10 Years ATTOM, curator of the nation’s premier property database, released its first-quarter 2021 U.S. Home Flipping Report showing that 32,526 single-family homes and condominiums in the United States were flipped in the first quarter. Those transactions represented only 2.7 percent of all home sales in the

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Walt and Gina York

A Whirlwind of Events Leading to Success For North Carolinians Walt and Gina York, to say that 2015 was a whirlwind of life-changing events, would be an understatement! Walt and Gina, knowing they were going to get married, established GW Property Solutions, LLC in March of 2015 with the intention of flipping houses and holding rental properties. They   married in September 2015, bought a HomeVestors® (HVA) franchise in October 2015,

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Kairos Living

Q&A with Phillip Yates, VP of Operations & Head of Leasing & Marketing How Technology Sets Us Apart from the Competition Q: To begin, tell me a little about Kairos Living? A: Kairos Living began operations in July 2019 based out of Chicago. We are a vertically integrated real estate company that handles all aspects of property ownership and operations from sourcing and acquisitions to renovations, leasing and property management.

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Increase Value of your SFR Portfolio with Rent Protection Insurance

Improve Your Bottom Line by Offloading Risk by Adam Meshekow Every real estate investor can recall with great clarity and detail a time when a defaulting tenant caused thousands of dollars in damage to an apartment or home rental. While infrequent occurrences, when they do happen, they can ruin an otherwise strong annual financial performance. In a year of unprecedented rent default and massive unemployment, missed rents and bad debt

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Single Family Rental Strategies in a Hot Market

Act Quickly, Honestly, and Decisively by Adam Stern The residential housing market is HOT. Inventory is down in all major markets acrossthe country, prices have risen precipitously for consecutive years since the late 2010’s, and the influx of capital into the rental housing space has been steady and ever increasing. Low inventory, cheap money, and the driver? People are renting homes at a faster pace than ever before. The confluence

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Why House Prices Beat the Pandemic Odds

…And Why So Many Housing Economists Got It Wrong by Brian Fluhr One year ago, at the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, housing economists were making dire predictions for the market. The demise of housing did not play out the way many anticipated for several reasons but foremost because strong economic housing fundamentals were already in place pre-pandemic. These fundamentals included the durable credit of borrowers, balanced debt-to-income ratios, and

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