Condo Prices in Oceanfront Counties Commonly Surge 10 to 40 percent in Second Quarter of 2021 ATTOM, curator of the nation’s premier property database, released a special report looking at condominium sales and prices in oceanfront counties around the U.S. The report, following up on the June 2021 collapse of the beachfront Champlain Towers South condominiums in Florida, shows that median condo values and price increases in oceanfront counties in

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Will There Be a Flood of Post-Pandemic REO Volume?

Plenty of Signs Point to a Healthy Real Estate Market in 2022 by Andrew Oliverson If there is one word that explains the real estate-owned (REO) market over the last eighteen months, it’s “ambiguity.” Since March of 2020, protections have been in place for homeowners impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the provisions of the CARES Act, borrowers with a pandemic-related financial hardship and a government-backed mortgage were entitled to

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Provo, Utah

  A Hot Market Still Heading Skyward   by Carole VanSickle Ellis In Provo, Utah, the city motto is “Welcome Home.” However, homebuyers report, it is becoming increasingly difficult to actually get to the point of putting out the welcome mat in today’s extremely tight housing environment. Of course, for real estate investors, that just means creative thinking is more important than ever in this market. With homes only staying

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In the Business of Building Successful Entrepreneurs

Property Management Inc. Takes the Industry Bigger & Better by Carole VanSickle Ellis In 2008, there was not a household brand for property management. Steve Hart, CEO and founder of Property Management Inc. (PMI), and his team have spent the last 13 years changing that. “When we started, there was no national name for property management that could be found in all 50 states, in multiple cities, that could serve

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Solving Economic Vacancy by Rewarding Renter Behavior

Investors Need to Outperform the Market by Rowland Hobbs For every real estate investor, a common challenge is trying to predict the difference between gross potential rent and the actual rent received at the end of the year. At the beginning of the year, in a building with 100 units that average $1,000 in monthly rent, gross potential rent is $1,200,000. However, as the year comes to a close, the

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Weathering the Eviction Moratorium

Think Ahead to Life After the Pandemic by Heather Park Property managers and rental owners are experiencing unprecedented times. With the recent extension to the eviction mortarium, property owners and managers face more time without crucial rental income to offset costs and pay mortgages. We know it’s difficult watching cash reserves deplete without the ability to use a critical method of lease enforcement to collect past-due rent or find renters

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