Should You Invest in Single-Family Rentals in 2020?

As Americans consider the need for more space, demand for single-family rentals will likely remain strong. Real estate investing requires capital, patience and discipline. It is a sound way to build wealth, but it is not for the faint of heart. Capital Capital is needed both to make the initial investment in a single-family property and to maintain it.  Are you planning to purchase a property outright or to finance

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Regional Spotlight: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Steel City’s innovative spirit keeps the market hot under duress. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has not historically been a city of extremes. During the housing boom, the subsequent housing crash and the Great Recession of the early 2000s, property values remained largely flat relative to the dramatic swings in the rest of the country. During the last 30 years, unemployment rates have never ventured into double-digit territory. Instead, they have remained

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A History of Commitment to Growth in Real Estate

Radian combines strategy, innovation to support the American Dream Single-family rental real estate is an institution that arguably dates to feudal times, and the single-family rental has existed in various forms in the U.S. since the founding of Jamestown. Radian may not date to colonial days, but the company does boast more than four decades in the mortgage insurance and SFR services space. The roots of Radian run deep, and

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The Importance of Including HOAs in Your Due Diligence

Your real estate due diligence checklist isn’t complete if it doesn’t include homeowners’ associations. The need for due diligence in real estate transactions should go without saying, but many buyers fast-track through some important areas of the process. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or an investment institution, ensuring your due diligence stage is thorough and complete is nonnegotiable. Most, if not all, real estate transactions have similar pathways to closing

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Tapping into Trillions

Using self-directed IRAs for private funding Whether you are a first-time homebuyer, an experienced fix-and-flipper or an expert in rentals, there is always a need for funds. Investors will always need money for deals, and sometimes traditional bank loans aren’t available to everyone. Or others just prefer the flexibility of setting their own terms on a deal. Although there are plenty of options available for private financing, many investors prefer

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Trends in Interior Paint

Just in time for fall—out with the warm and in with the cool! In today’s real estate market, there is a trend that many sellers are overlooking. It is one of the most basic and cost-effective ways to increase the values of their homes—interior paint. What the studies are saying about millennial homebuyers as it pertains to preferences in real estate are true. Millennials are not looking to put sweat

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