Q&A With Cardone Enterprises’ Grant Cardone

35-year veteran of the real estate investment industry shares insights ranging from his personal journey to the post COVID-19 real estate world Grant Cardone is a 35-year veteran of the real estate game. He’s the CEO of Cardone Enterprises and has $1.7 billion under management. Cardone has always been seen as a forward-thinking business operator. He is often called on by Fortune 500 companies and real estate leaders for his

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A Passion for the Portfolio

Auction.com gets excited about transparency, mobility and transactions. When Auction.com’s Steve Price, senior vice president of foreclosure auction services, and Ravi Singh, chief product and technology officer, get together in the same room—digital or otherwise—the energy feels surprisingly similar to that of a live auction. They spend their days dedicated to what they describe as “The Journey” Auction.com has been on since it launched in 2007. Price and Singh said

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Partner with Your PM Before Acquiring Property

Property managers may have local knowledge that can help you with your acquisition decisions. Many investors, especially new ones, are woefully unprepared for the road ahead of them once they purchase a property. And that’s almost always due to bad information. Where is this bad information coming from? Why are these investors taking bad advice over and over again? This bad information, more often than not, comes from out-of-area single-family

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Don’t Reinvent the Property Management Wheel

Make sure you’re aware of all the resources available for property management. In an industry with an estimated 70% of investment property owners managing their own properties, and 36% of Americans living in rental properties, property management is here to stay. This industry, however, is not for the faint of heart. Although many resources are available for the DIY property manager, any investor considering the self-managed strategy needs to assess

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7 Tips For Improving Your Lead-to-Lease Conversion

Hint: It’s all about the tech stack. In the five years leading up to the pandemic, property management firms began to realize the need for the right tech stack to keep their businesses competitive and, ultimately, successful. But in the last few months, in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, moving processes online has become mandatory. To their surprise, property managers find the transition has not disrupted their businesses. Rather,

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Maintenance Tips for Navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic

A willingness to adapt processes, communicate clearly and seek opportunities are keys to remaining successful in the age of COVID-19. Investing in rental property is a great way to diversify your portfolio and build wealth. But, real estate investing is not for the faint of heart. This is especially true right now as we navigate the COVID pandemic. What has the pandemic changed about rental property management? One major area

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