Waste Metering Debuts in Multifamily Housing Market
RealPage has partnered with Compology to develop the RealPage Waste Management Solution, which includes rugged dumpster cameras and artificial intelligence. It is a first for the multifamily real estate market. “Compology’s integration offering enables industry leaders, like RealPage, to flexibly and seamlessly integrate automated waste metering into their existing platforms,” said Ben Chehebar, chief product officer of Compology. “We’re excited for the positive results RealPage will deliver to the multifamily market, and we look forward to expanding waste metering’s impact in the commercial space too.” Waste metering can help property owners or managers monitor and analyze exactly how much waste each building is producing and then match collection frequency to their actual needs, mitigate overage and contamination fines and reduce annual collection costs to improve the net operating income and overall value of the property. Remote dumpster visibility also helps identify and reduce contamination in waste and recycling streams, improve diversion rates from landfills and satisfy resident demand for transparency and sustainability, which lead to higher rents and better resident retention. The RealPage and Compology collaboration helps buildings meet the requirements of GRESB reporting and government mandates while importing new waste metrics into EnergyStar’s Portfolio Manager.
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