Waste Metering Debuts in Multifamily Housing Market

RealPage has partnered with Compology to develop the RealPage Waste Management Solution, which includes rugged dumpster cameras and artificial intelligence. It is a first for the multifamily real estate market. “Compology’s integration offering enables industry leaders, like RealPage, to flexibly and seamlessly integrate automated waste metering into their existing platforms,” said Ben Chehebar, chief product officer of Compology. “We’re excited for the positive results RealPage will deliver to the multifamily market,

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Civic Financial Services Surpasses $4 Billion in Loan Originations

Private money lender Civic Financial Services has surpassed $4 billion in loan originations since the company was founded six years ago. This is the third major milestone the company has reached in the last three years. It surpassed $3 billion in lifetime funding in October 2019. In June 2018, the company announced it had securitized $190 million in investor property loans. At the time of the announcement, it was the

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Limestone Asset Management Purchases Marquee Sarasota Retail

Miami-based Limestone Asset Management, via a joint venture with Orion Real Estate Group, has closed on two high-end retail properties in Florida for $15.5 million at St. Armands Circle, one of Florida’s most iconic shopping and dining destinations. It is also Sarasota’s No. 1 tourist destination. Limestone Asset Management invests in and acquires real estate properties across all asset classes throughout North America. Ocean Bank, the largest independent state chartered

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