Q&A With Kendra Rommel of CIVIC Financial Services

How would you describe current economic and real estate market conditions? Everyone is comparing the current financial and real estate situation to the mortgage meltdown of 2008. But today’s conditions are completely different. Yes, we may be facing an economic downturn, but previous downturns stemmed from a loss or depreciation of assets, while this market shift was sparked by a nationwide health crisis and resulting job losses. This market uncertainty

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Archrock Services to Auction Surplus Properties

Auction firm Williams & Williams is set to auction several surplus real estate properties for energy midstream company Archrock Services on Sept. 29. Listings include warehouse, office space and land parcels. Additionally, the vacant residence in New Castle, Pennsylvania, will sell in an online-only auction at AuctionNetwork.com on Sept. 28-30. These auctions are being offered in conjunction with commercial broker JLL. The commercial properties include three land lots and two light industrial

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Regional Spotlight: Portland, Maine

The Northeastern market remains competitive in 2020. As with every other U.S. city, Portland, Maine, entered summer 2020 pulled in many directions. Fortunately for Portland, as the most populous city in Maine with just over 66,000 residents (according to 2019 U.S. Census estimates), some of the tension in the market has been due to a competitive housing market and an economy that’s tentatively recovering. That economy, which has historically relied

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Understanding the Difference Between RIN and RON

E-closings are likely here to stay, so make sure you understand how they can be used. Typically, the closing process includes a variety of inperson tasks, culminating in the actual signing ceremony. To help keep real estate transactions moving forward during the coronavirus pandemic, the closing and title world had to consider alternatives to traditional inperson closings. E-closing seemed like a reasonable option during a time of physical distancing. States

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Knowing the “Rules” Leads to Winning the Game

I was born outside of Chicago, but I spent most of my youth living between Argentina, Brazil and California. It was my time in Argentina, living with my grandparents, I remember the most. My grandfather was a bricklayer. He spent his life building homes and buildings all over Argentina. He was an amazing man. When he retired, he didn’t stop. There was always a project at the house, and he

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The Art of the German Schmear

This simple technique is an affordable and easy option for updating older homes. Most people tend to look at repairs as do-it-yourself projects, especially when DIY is the most cost-effective approach to achieving a certain look. Updating interiors and exteriors is a common strategy for ridding the dated look of an older home or for spicing up a newer home. One simple way to achieve this appeal is by using

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