June 2020 – Page 2 – REI INK

Foreclosure Buyers Moving Online in Wake of COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-10’s impact on real estate investing Auction.com’s recently released second quarter 2020 Foreclosure Buyer Insights report focuses on buyer outlook, sentiment and acquisition strategies in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing market turmoil. The data in the report comes from two surveys. One was conducted in February before national emergency declarations, and the second in April after the national emergency declarations. The surveys were sent to buyers who had

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Should I Allow Pets in My Rental Properties?

Pet-friendly rentals can mean more revenue, a larger pool of tenants and longer leases. Making the decision to invest in residential real estate is an excellent step in the right direction toward building wealth. While this is a wise choice, there are many things to consider to get the best return on your investment. Although many investors consider the obvious, such as where to market and whether to hire a

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Do Your Homework on Coinsurance

Coinsurance can be costly if you don’t understand the penalties. You’re a savvy investor. You make sound, confident decisions about the properties you’ve added to your portfolio. And your strategy has been successful. Yet even the most successful real estate investors can be snagged by the penalties associated with valuation and coinsurance, outlined in the fine print on your insurance policy. If you’re like most bullish investors, you’re probably heavily

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Q&A With Growth Group’s Steven Cinelli

Futurist and growth advisor discusses outlook for the national and global economies Steven Cinelli is the founder of California-based Growth Group and the managing director of boutique advisory firm SLAMINA LLC. He also serves as an adviser for London-based fintech incubator and consulting firm FinTech4Good and has spent decades as a creative strategist, banker, adviser and fintech executive. Known for his uncanny ability to anticipate markets, Cinelli has been predicting

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5 Economic “Side Effects” of the Coronavirus

How you respond to them could mean the difference between the survival or total failure of your business. For real estate investors, COVID-19 hits very close to home. Literally. In some states, investors find themselves in terrible financial danger because they cannot finish their flips, show their properties, rent to new tenants or evict residents delinquent on their rents. In other states, the opposite is happening. Real estate investors are,

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One Company’s Experience Dealing with the Unknown of COVID-19

3 key questions we asked to determine our course of action Renters Warehouse was heading into a spring market that had great potential for us. New clients. New technology. We had just spent a year integrating the largest third-party management company in single-family rental (SFR) with a marketplace platform that enabled us to help customers buy, lease, own and sell SFR under one roof. The second quarter of 2020 was

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